G8 protests
Posted 2007-June-06, 09:58
Posted 2007-June-06, 10:18
Posted 2007-June-06, 12:10
You'd still need security measures even if the protesters were all non-violent.
You have a LARGE number of people who wish to protest against globalization. I don't wish to join them, since I see globalization as both inevitable and as generally beneficial (though I have been laid off because of it

Posted 2007-June-06, 16:26
Posted 2007-June-10, 05:29
We burned some US flags, drunk a lot of beer, and sang Yankee Go Home (only those three words, nobody knew the rest of the song).
It was the ideal combination. Getting drunk and improving the World at the same time. On a good day we might even reach the news.
Gerben is right of course but after a dozen of beers nobody could follow such discussions anyway.
Posted 2007-June-10, 07:24
I agree with you, but tey obviously don't...
Respect Diversity!

Posted 2007-June-10, 07:51
BTW I'm really against bad weather! The question is... does global warming bring less or more of it?
Posted 2007-June-10, 11:31
to answer Gerbens question does it bring more or less bad weather, it depends how you define bad weather, all weather is good to the world, if you don't like rain the answer is no , if you don't like the heat the answer is no, if you don't like the cold the answer is no, but then that brings the issue, you can't please all the people all of the time
Posted 2007-June-10, 13:32
Gerben42, on Jun 6 2007, 10:58 AM, said:
First of all, in the past, there were several important themes that got
ignored at those summits.
Take your pick (Africa, Enviroment, how the World Trade is regulated, ...)
Some of those issues get discussed now, which is partially the result
of those protests.
I am not saying "I am against globalization" is a great slogan, since
globalization is happening, but the way how it is happening can
sometimes be improved.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2007-June-10, 14:22
ignored at those summits.
Take your pick (Africa, Enviroment, how the World Trade is regulated, ...)
They were not ignored, the conference was just way too short. After all that spectacle I would have expected a 7-day summit or something but it was over before it started.
I don't have anything against friendly protests, in fact I encourage it. But... actually discussion should not be in the form of protest but in the form of dialogue.
Posted 2007-June-10, 14:29
Since when has Marie Antoinette invited in Jean Valjean for cake and discussion?
Posted 2007-June-10, 14:46
Gerben42, on Jun 10 2007, 03:22 PM, said:
ignored at those summits.
Take your pick (Africa, Enviroment, how the World Trade is regulated, ...)
They were not ignored, the conference was just way too short. After all that spectacle I would have expected a 7-day summit or something but it was over before it started.
I don't have anything against friendly protests, in fact I encourage it. But... actually discussion should not be in the form of protest but in the form of dialogue.
You need both.
You need those guys, chaining themselfs on trees,
blocking ways etc., how else to get attetion.
Of course in the end the realist have to take over,
because else you wont achieve anything.
I may have cieted this one before, but I find the following
citate fairly good:
Realism without Idealism is Zynism,
Idealism without Realism is worse,
Idealism should help you to have your
eyes open.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2007-June-10, 16:11
Posted 2007-June-10, 16:27
Is the internet that or buying a diamond or gold wedding ring part of globalization? Is the oil or farm business, globalization?
If so I guess I understand why people want to stop all of that.
Posted 2007-June-10, 17:13
Posted 2007-June-10, 18:06
mike777, on Jun 10 2007, 05:27 PM, said:
Is the internet that or buying a diamond or gold wedding ring part of globalization? Is the oil or farm business, globalization?
If so I guess I understand why people want to stop all of that.
This is globalization, too.
From Business Week:
The short explanation is that the growth of domestic manufacturing has been substantially overstated in recent years. That means productivity gains and overall economic growth have been overstated as well. And that raises questions about U.S. competitiveness and "helps explain why wage growth for most American workers has been weak," says Susan N. Houseman, an economist at the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research who identifies the distorting effects of offshoring in a soon-to-be-published paper.
I can understand how we want more of that.
Posted 2007-June-11, 02:08
In general socialist parties will be on the side of the now jobless worker, whereas liberal parties will usually be on the side of the manufacturer. At some point things cost and benefit will even out because:
* Wages will rise in the "cheap" countries
* Transport costs will rise because of bottlenecks and higher fuel prices
* More efficient production in the high-wage countries (that have more pressure to increase productivity than the low-wage countries)
I love economic statistics because they are so inpersonal. These figures say nothing about the economy of any one household. And the other way around if someone for example gets a pay rise or loses his job or whatever, that won't affect the numbers.
Economic growth is in fact an irrelevant number if it doesn't increase the wealth of the masses but instead just increases the wealth of a happy few. Besides if everyone gets 3% more compared to last year, how does that translate in quality of life? Are we now 3% happier? I doubt it.
Posted 2007-June-11, 02:39
1) He/She is a worker
2) They are jobless!
A) As a noneconomist, I define economics as the science of how people make decisions. True Forum economists may object,

1) Here we have a worker..not a slacker
2) They do not have a job....
3) I think this is a huge huge problem that economists need to help us make a decision. If they cannot help us on this one issue.....they are worthless.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!