Your call please?
Over 1H
Posted 2007-June-04, 09:38
Your call please?
Posted 2007-June-04, 09:41

Posted 2007-June-04, 09:43
If 3♥ is pre-emptive (0+ hcp, 4+ hearts) I'll choose that. 3 hearts and a void has to be worth more than 4 hearts and a doubleton, and the hcp is certainly right.
Posted 2007-June-04, 09:53
2♠ doesnt tell the story of the hand it hide the ♥ fit and shows a weaker hand in tricks potential.
I would consider 1♠ and supporting ♥ later but i think most play that doign this usually shows a stronger hand, so im lft with 2♥.
Posted 2007-June-04, 09:55
Fluffy, on Jun 4 2007, 05:43 PM, said:
George Carlin
Posted 2007-June-04, 10:02
Flame, on Jun 4 2007, 10:53 AM, said:
2♠ doesnt tell the story of the hand it hide the ♥ fit and shows a weaker hand in tricks potential.
I would consider 1♠ and supporting ♥ later but i think most play that doign this usually shows a stronger hand, so im lft with 2♥.
Agree with 2♥ here.
Posted 2007-June-04, 10:03
It's what I chose and I may be its only representative! I like to get extreme weakness across early, freeing me up for the later auction (I fondly hope).
Posted 2007-June-04, 10:14
This depends on your agreements. For me, 2S denies 3 hearts. Support with support.
Posted 2007-June-04, 10:24
Posted 2007-June-04, 10:27
Posted 2007-June-04, 10:31
cherdano, on Jun 4 2007, 08:27 AM, said:
This isn't universal Arend. If pard bids 2 minor, 2♥ sounds like a forced preference.
If pard bids 1N, many play 2♥ as a borderline limit raise.
Posted 2007-June-04, 10:34
Pard not unexpectedly makes a game try with 3♦ (help suit).
Has this hand blossomed into a 4♥ call?
Posted 2007-June-04, 10:35
pclayton, on Jun 4 2007, 10:31 AM, said:
cherdano, on Jun 4 2007, 08:27 AM, said:
This isn't universal Arend. If pard bids 2 minor, 2♥ sounds like a forced preference.
If pard bids 1N, many play 2♥ as a borderline limit raise.
I know that's why I am saying it isn't for me.
Posted 2007-June-04, 10:40
If partner rebids 1N: I happily bid 2♠, even tho that is presumably constructive, but (I hope) non-invitational. My hand is worth this opposite a doubleton ♠ and 5♥s.
If he rebids 2 minor, I have a comfortable 2♥ preference: I don't care that I have an extra ♥... I have a compensating lack of hcp.
If he raises ♠s: well, my guess would be to pass a single raise and to accept an invite... we are vul at imp pairs whene making thin vulnerable games is a huge plus.
If he rebids 2N: I get out in 3♠ (surely I can do that?)
If he jumpshifts, then I am not going to be all that embarrassed with my 3♥ preference.
If he jumps to 3♥, I pass... this is not inconsistent with accepting a raise to 3♠.
Posted 2007-June-04, 10:43
mikeh, on Jun 4 2007, 08:40 AM, said:
If partner rebids 1N: I happily bid 2♠, even tho that is presumably constructive, but (I hope) non-invitational. My hand is worth this opposite a doubleton ♠ and 5♥s.
If he rebids 2 minor, I have a comfortable 2♥ preference: I don't care that I have an extra ♥... I have a compensating lack of hcp.
If he raises ♠s: well, my guess would be to pass a single raise and to accept an invite... we are vul at imp pairs whene making thin vulnerable games is a huge plus.
If he rebids 2N: I get out in 3♠ (surely I can do that?)
If he jumpshifts, then I am not going to be all that embarrassed with my 3♥ preference.
If he jumps to 3♥, I pass... this is not inconsistent with accepting a raise to 3♠.
FWIW, pard tries 2♣ over 1♠. He probably passes 2♥.
Posted 2007-June-04, 10:59
pclayton, on Jun 4 2007, 12:34 PM, said:
Pard not unexpectedly makes a game try with 3♦ (help suit).
Has this hand blossomed into a 4♥ call?
uhh, were bidding 2♥ because it's more preemptive than passing and you're "close" to having the bid
Posted 2007-June-04, 11:03
pbleighton, on Jun 4 2007, 10:41 AM, said:

Pass. I play 2H as constructive.

I do not think this is close to 2H constructive for me.
Posted 2007-June-04, 11:06