FrancesHinden, on Jun 4 2007, 09:52 AM, said:
So, yesterday we played the final of the English mixed teams KO, 60 boards against de Botton/Sandqvist/JT Hackett/Malinowski. We were winning after sets 2,3,4, and 5 but not after the final 10 boards. I hate losing close matches. I particularly hate losing finals (all that effort to get so far). I hate losing the final of an event where I'm the current holder and my team is (arguably) favourite. I hate that our record in the final of this event is now won 2, lost 3.
Green with envy
FrancesHinden, on Jun 4 2007, 09:52 AM, said:
I hate that, following their dire last set card, our team-mates had a shouting match in the pub after the match (particularly as it was timed so that suddenly I had to pay for the drinks). I hate that the margin was close enough that we all know we could have done one thing different and won. I hate that we can't really say that we got the worst of the luck. I hate that I can't blame the result on random wild swingy hands, it was a very flat match. I hate not being able to sleep after losing difficult matches and then feel rotten all next day. I hate that this was the first KO match I have lost for just under a year.
Sick as a parrot FrancesHinden, on Jun 4 2007, 09:52 AM, said:
Team's word of wisdom after the match were:
1. It's only a game (for our team, anyway).
2. We made some of the opposing team extra money via their win bonus, whilst all we lost out on was a small bit of prize money.
3. If you don't really hate losing how can you ever enjoy winning?
4. We can still win the Pachabo, the Brighton Teams and the Gold Cup this year. And the Surrey Bowl (our local pivot teams event).
Brighton? I'm cancelling my entry
FrancesHinden, on Jun 4 2007, 09:52 AM, said:
Now I've got that off my chest (thanks for sharing), here are a few of our disasters:
1. Teams Red RHO deals ♠ A Q T x ♥ K x ♦ A K T x x ♣ A K
(_P_) 2 ♣ (3 ♦) 3 ♥
(_P_) 3 N (_P_) 4 ♥
(_P_) _?_
Your agreement is that double of 3D would show "a bad hand", pass forcing. What do you think partner has? What do you do now?
♥ = 10, _P_ = 9, 6
♥ = 8 I've already shown ths hand?
Well perhaps partner wasn't listening
Pity partner is unlikely to hold honours
FrancesHinden, on Jun 4 2007, 09:52 AM, said:
2. Teams Red You deal ♠ x ♥ A T x ♦ A Q x x x ♣ K J x x
1 ♦ (2 ♦) 4 ♣ (fit) (4 ♠)
♣ = 10, 4 N = 9, 5
♦ = 8, 5
♥ = 7.
You have a great hand bit partner still needs quite a lot.
FrancesHinden, on Jun 4 2007, 09:52 AM, said:
3. Teams Amber LHO deals ♠ J x x x x ♥ K J T x x ♦ K x x ♣-
2 ♣ (Precision) 3 ♦ (pre-empt) _X_ (take-out) ?
♦ = 10, 5
♦ = 7, 3
♥ = 6, _P_ = 4. Opponents may have a club slam unless partner has a club stack
Oh dear
that's not so unlikely