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My rant (and a couple of bidding problems)

#1 User is offline   FrancesHinden 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 08:52

So, yesterday we played the final of the English mixed teams KO, 60 boards against de Botton/Sandqvist/JT Hackett/Malinowski. We were winning after sets 2,3,4, and 5 but not after the final 10 boards.

I hate losing close matches. I particularly hate losing finals (all that effort to get so far). I hate losing the final of an event where I'm the current holder and my team is (arguably) favourite. I hate that our record in the final of this event is now won 2, lost 3. I hate that, following their dire last set card, our team-mates had a shouting match in the pub after the match (particularly as it was timed so that suddenly I had to pay for the drinks). I hate that the margin was close enough that we all know we could have done one thing different and won. I hate that we can't really say that we got the worst of the luck. I hate that I can't blame the result on random wild swingy hands, it was a very flat match. I hate not being able to sleep after losing difficult matches and then feel rotten all next day. I hate that this was the first KO match I have lost for just under a year.

Team's word of wisdom after the match were:
1. It's only a game (for our team, anyway).
2. We made some of the opposing team extra money via their win bonus, whilst all we lost out on was a small bit of prize money.
3. If you don't really hate losing how can you ever enjoy winning?
4. We can still win the Pachabo, the Brighton Teams and the Gold Cup this year. And the Surrey Bowl (our local pivot teams event).

Now I've got that off my chest (thanks for sharing), here are a few of our disasters:


vul against not, RHO deals
(P) 2C (3D) 3H
(P) 3NT (P) 4H
(P) ?

Your agreement is that double of 3D would show "a bad hand", pass forcing.
What do you think partner has? What do you do now?


vul against not, you deal
1D (2D) 4C (fit) (4S)

game all, LHO deals

2C (Precision) 3D (pre-empt) x (take-out) ?

#2 User is offline   Apollo81 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 09:28

1. I think partner has hearts but not enough for a pass and pull sequence over 3. This hand is still very good. I would like to invite slam -- which bid can I make? Not 5 -- that asks for a diamond control. Not 5 -- looks too much like a natural bid. Not 5 -- partner will never bid a slam with his club holding. 4? I really don't think that this should be a NF bid -- if I trust partner at all then this is what I would bid. This allows partner to cue 5, after which I will bid 6.

2. I LOVE my hand here. Slam makes opposite xx x Kxxxx AQxxx which is fairly normal here I think. Even if slam is not making, they may save if I bid confidently since they are at favorable. I bid 6; if I think partner might have forgotten fit showing jumps then I bid 6.

3. I would bid 3 for the lead in case they declare in clubs. It's not clear whether this is worth bidding up to 5 or not, but I don't have to decide yet.

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Posted 2007-June-04, 09:30

[snip] I'll be more sympathetic when I can tell the difference between winning and losing a national final :rolleyes:

FrancesHinden, on Jun 4 2007, 03:52 PM, said:

Now I've got that off my chest (thanks for sharing), here are a few of our disasters:


vul against not, RHO deals
(P) 2C (3D) 3H
(P) 3NT (P) 4H
(P)  ?

Your agreement is that double of 3D would show "a bad hand", pass forcing.
What do you think partner has? What do you do now?

I think partner has 7+ hearts to at least the QJ10, so I'll gamble a little and bid 5NT as GSF.



vul against not, you deal
1D  (2D)  4C (fit) (4S)

5 ... unless it's Sandquist/Malinowski next door in which case I'll bid 6.


game all, LHO deals

2C (Precision) 3D (pre-empt) x (take-out) ?

Pass. The alternatives are 3 for the lead against 5 and 4 to consume space, but they may just double 4 and this could play quite poorly on a trump lead.
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#4 User is online   mikeh 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 09:35

Frances, I share your emotional responses, altho I can't claim a record as impressive as yours....

Onto the hands, to see if I would have shared your pain had I been the player with the problems:

1. Even xxx AJ10xxxx x xx or the like is not cold for slam, but I'd want to be there (just). So I have to make a move and the question is whether to invite or blast. Sure, one might argue that one has shown one's hand already, but I don't think we have shown quite as many Aces and Kings as we hold,a nd the K, if missing, may be onside. I think I'll bid 5...implying possession of all of the missing Aces. If he holds xxx QJxxxx x Qx or the like, we're still not down yet.

BTW, I don't think that 5 denies a control, since I have bid 3N and could easily cue a black suit to smoke out a control.

2. I'd have been far happier to have heard a 4 call: but I still like my hand. I suspect I would know if 4 established a force: if it did, then I have a comfortable pass and pull. If it didn't, then I have to act. I think I will bid 6 on the basis that:

1) It may make, and

2) there is a significant probability that the opps won't let us play there at this vulnerability.

I should add a note of caution: it may well be that a quiet 5, scoring 620, will win imps against 500 from 6 doubled... but the glass half-empty approach rarely wins (as I know from too many second-place results in KO matches).

3. Toughest one of the bunch. At the table (ie in approximately the amount of time I'd allow myself at the table) I suspect I'd bid 4, but on more reflection I suspect that the best answer is either pass or 5! But I wil stay with the initial reaction of 4. Pass is best if LHO feels compelled to bid a 3 card major, which is a real possibility on this auction....3=3=2=5 if that is permitted shape (in my experience, it usually is not) or 3316 if not. 5 is best if they can make 5 and 5 doesn't go for 800.
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Posted 2007-June-04, 09:38

Congratulations on your 2nd place and sorry to hear it wasn't one spot better...

1. I ain't passing. Partner at least has QJxxxxx in for this. What would 4 be here now? A CAB would be nice but that is wishful thinking I guess. If you don't know what partner's response would mean, why ask in the first place? So my second idea is to reel out old black. But is 4NT Blackwood here? It should be but does partner think so? I take my life in my hands and bid... 4NT (please don't pass partner!)

2. 4NT again, this time as general slam try.

3. Pass. Maybe opponents in their infinite wisdom will pick a major.
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#6 User is offline   Fluffy 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 09:39


It is hard to tell the difference from pass then pull, 3 then 4, and direct 4.

If I have problems, I guess partner has problems also, chances are we won't be on the same wavelenght.

We are minimum anyway, lets just pass.


In the forums I feel safe enough to try something different, it might very well be that 5+2 scores better than 7X, I would pass and try to make some confusion to try to avoid a defense.


4 Looks like it.

#7 User is offline   FrancesHinden 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 09:54

Hand two an apology and an additional explanation is in order.

Apology: it is game all, not vul against not.
Explanation: The style of 'fit bid' we play is that 4C shows a pre-emptive 4D bid with a club suit.

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Posted 2007-June-04, 10:04

then hand 2 I'd say he has 1246 or 2146. Maybe 5-5 in the minors

Anything can be right, again 5 can score better than 6X, I'll try only 5, but bid 6 over 5.

#9 User is offline   pclayton 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 10:15

1. The came up yesterday for me. The way I play, 3 shows something like: xxx, QJTxxx, x, xxx. Game appears at best on a hook, so I will pass.

2. Is this really a problem? (just noticed 4 is blocking) 5 seems clear, and we don't have a parking place for the heart or the . I guess I want my LHO on lead to avoid a possible ruff.

3. 4 looks right. I like a 4 call on my left, but I'll take the push over 4. I don't know what I'd do over 5.
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#10 User is online   mikeh 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 10:26

Ok, time to rethink hand 2. Bidding slam is not as attractive anymore ;)

But: it is still very easy to picture hands on which slam is good on its own merits, rather than as a means of getting to defend 6. Picture xx x J10xx Axxxxx...isn't 6 a good spot?

So much depends on style, and one doesn't reach the national finals of any event without becoming familiar with partner's style. At the risk of looking silly (heck, nothing new, there) I will still bid 6. If he has x xx KJxxx Qxxxx, I am not going to make, but maybe they make 650 (with my luck each side makes 10 tricks).
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#11 User is offline   Edmunte1 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 11:05


2. 4NT, general slam try

3. 5

#12 Guest_Jlall_*

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Posted 2007-June-04, 11:07

1) pass
2) 5C
3) pass

Color me yellow ;)

Actually I feel strongest about hand 3, I don't really see the point of bidding anything and think it will make their lives easier not harder.

BTW you sound like youre on complete tilt from your loss ;)

#13 User is offline   jtfanclub 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 11:18

Jlall, on Jun 4 2007, 12:07 PM, said:

BTW you sound like youre on complete tilt from your loss :P

I thought it was from having to pay for the drinks!

#14 User is offline   Sambolino 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 12:01

i had my big share of losing recently - nat open pairs by 1 hand; nat open teams by playing far superior in swiss part, and then in the semis we didnt know what hit us; belgrade teams by making a large margin and then dice it away at the end. so...


1) pass
2) 6c (before the explanation) 5c (after)
3) 4d

#15 User is offline   Apollo81 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 12:19

FrancesHinden, on Jun 4 2007, 11:54 AM, said:

Hand two an apology and an additional explanation is in order.

Apology: it is game all, not vul against not.
Explanation: The style of 'fit bid' we play is that 4C shows a pre-emptive 4D bid with a club suit.

OK I'm changing my call to 5.

#16 User is offline   whereagles 

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Posted 2007-June-04, 13:00

1. 6. Weary of bad breaks for 7.

2. 4NT RKCB :P

3. 3, wtp? :)

#17 User is offline   Codo 

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Posted 2007-June-05, 00:57

1. 4 NT is to play or at least pd may believe so. Or he will believe that I believe so.
So I try 5 Heart which is not asking for a diamond cotrol, after all I bid 3 NT.

2. 5 Diamond, I want my lho on lead and I see no reason to show my double fit.

3. 4 Diamond hoping that they will find a 4-3 fit in the major. I could even life with their 4-4 fit....
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Posted 2007-June-05, 03:49

FrancesHinden, on Jun 4 2007, 09:52 AM, said:

So, yesterday we played the final of the English mixed teams KO, 60 boards against de Botton/Sandqvist/JT Hackett/Malinowski. We were winning after sets 2,3,4, and 5 but not after the final 10 boards.

I hate losing close matches. I particularly hate losing finals (all that effort to get so far). I hate losing the final of an event where I'm the current holder and my team is (arguably) favourite. I hate that our record in the final of this event is now won 2, lost 3. I hate that, following their dire last set card, our team-mates had a shouting match in the pub after the match (particularly as it was timed so that suddenly I had to pay for the drinks). I hate that the margin was close enough that we all know we could have done one thing different and won. I hate that we can't really say that we got the worst of the luck. I hate that I can't blame the result on random wild swingy hands, it was a very flat match. I hate not being able to sleep after losing difficult matches and then feel rotten all next day. I hate that this was the first KO match I have lost for just under a year.

Team's word of wisdom after the match were:
1. It's only a game (for our team, anyway).
2. We made some of the opposing team extra money via their win bonus, whilst all we lost out on was a small bit of prize money.
3. If you don't really hate losing how can you ever enjoy winning?
4. We can still win the Pachabo, the Brighton Teams and the Gold Cup this year. And the Surrey Bowl (our local pivot teams event).

Now I've got that off my chest (thanks for sharing), here are a few of our disasters:


vul against not, RHO deals
(P) 2C (3D) 3H
(P) 3NT (P) 4H
(P) ?

Your agreement is that double of 3D would show "a bad hand", pass forcing.
What do you think partner has? What do you do now?


vul against not, you deal
1D (2D) 4C (fit) (4S)

game all, LHO deals

2C (Precision) 3D (pre-empt) x (take-out) ?

1. 6 (I expect partner to have a good suit)
2. 6 (unless you want to defend 5)
3. 3 (lead directing; 4 is as high as I want to go)


#19 User is offline   FrancesHinden 

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Posted 2007-June-06, 07:24

Jlall, on Jun 4 2007, 06:07 PM, said:

1) pass
2) 5C
3) pass

Color me yellow :)

Actually I feel strongest about hand 3, I don't really see the point of bidding anything and think it will make their lives easier not harder.

Would you like to join our team next year? Although sadly I'm not sure we can afford your rates...

1) Really depends on what you think partner needs for the 3H bid. Partner has xxx QJ109xx x xxx which I think is not enough. It's one thing to have discussed these auctions (which we have) another really to have pinned down what values a bid shows because it's a very rare auction.

At the table I moved over 4 but I've been persuaded since that this was wrong, as partner's 4H bid is his weakest action. We went one off in 5H. Team-mates did not find the 3D overcall and defended 4H.

2) Partner has Qxx x KJxx Q10xxx. I take mikeh's point that it's helpful to know partner's style for this type of pre-empt (whether to bid 5 or 6) but it's worth noticing that partner's heart singleton is quite likely on the auction, so I wouldn't be quite so concerned about the opponents making lots of spades.

At the table, my team-mate bid 5D which was swiftly doubled and switfly one off (ace of clubs lead, spade underlead to the king, club ruff). OK, it's pretty random which minor is right to play in double-dummy as they are likely to have spade communications if necessary, but I think 5C is a better call than 5D because it's actually RHO you want on lead. It takes a lot of bottle to lead from 3 low diamonds against 5C - particularly as you might not have a 9-card diamond fit - while leading a minor suit singleton is easier.

At our table we defended 4D (auction 1D - 2D - x - 3S - P - P -4D all pass) making 130. 4S is going for 500 on a heart lead, 200 otherwise.

3) If you pass, or bid a major, you will defend 4C, probably one off (it's makeable double dummy but declarer is likely to get clubs wrong, partner has Qxx). If you bid 4D you probably defend 5C going one or two off. My team-mate bid 5D which was doubled, and he then had a nasty decision in the play which he got wrong, going for 500 instead of 200. We conceded 4D making exactly on a rather different auction.


BTW you sound like youre on complete tilt from your loss :)

You noticed!

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Posted 2007-June-06, 07:41

Congratulations on a very fine showing.

1) Given your agreements, pass is game forcing, double is a bad hand I disagree with bidding 3H on these hand types. Showing shape is very important but so is showing an ace or a king over a strong 2club opening. If the opponents are about to preempt the heck out of you it would be nice to know if partner has an ace or a king somewhere. Double here by partner may give you a better chance to guess the correct level if the preempting gets higher.

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