Mr. Dodgy, on May 31 2007, 10:06 AM, said:
I voted easy 17, but I don't think is a good 17.
Wow. I play this, but didn't think anyone else did. Most seem to like cuebidding or shortness trials here in my experience. However, assuming that a 2♥ bid the transfer to ♠s, I would rebid 2NT over it - superaccepting in NT shows the suit bid by responder in my system. Is this poor?
skaeran, on May 31 2007, 02:45 AM, said:
Playing a method where you bid a strong four card sidesuit when super accepting, I'd rebid 2♠ over a transfer to ♥'s and 3♥ over a transfer to ♠'s.
Wow. I play this, but didn't think anyone else did. Most seem to like cuebidding or shortness trials here in my experience. However, assuming that a 2♥ bid the transfer to ♠s, I would rebid 2NT over it - superaccepting in NT shows the suit bid by responder in my system. Is this poor?
I don't play this myself, but know people who do (Brogeland-Sĉlensminde among them). They play 2NT as a max with 4c support and no strong side suit, AFAIK.
If you don't superaccept without a maximum, your method should be superior, since it's spacesaving.