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Why I pray to mother nature? She is looking after me.

#1 User is offline   shubi 

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Posted 2007-May-29, 00:32

Mother Nature the GREAT.
My prayer is heard

My prayer to Mother Nature. Mother Nature if you think my daughter sheila’s time is up and time to return to you, I say please take her. BUT we will still pray to you and do every thing in our power to keep sheila with us.
Thank you

What lead to my prayer to Mother Nature?
4th May, 2007.
Around 6 to 7 pm got a call from Jeff sheila’s boyfriend telling me Sheila is in Brantford geneal hospital, she was compelling of stomach pain. The doctors examined her and took her straight to operating room. I was shocked but told Jeff to give me his cell phone number and I gave him Jane’s, my wife, cell phone number and told Jeff I will get back shortly. Now Jane was due to fly in Florida on Tuesday and I am hoping she did not turn off the cell phone. Any way Jane answered my first call, I told her about Sheila and gave her Jeff’s cell number. Few minutes later Jane call back and told me I am flying to hospital tomorrow and Pauline, Jane’s younger sister, will join her on Sunday, she was already in Toronto at a conference. Jane told me she is flying alone, Sheila is having some intestine removed form her stomac.
5th May, 2007.
Jane flew to to Brantford called me and told me operation is success full, Sheila is doing ok. Sheila called me I talked to her, I gave her a phone number to write down and read it back to me, she did it and I came to conclusion she is ok considering her condition.
6th May, 2007.
Every thing seems normal I am in touch with jane frequently.
7th May, 2007.
Sheila’s condition has turned for the worst, doctors were taking her to operating room for second time, they operated on Sheila till 6 am, came out and told Jane we have to take sheila to bigger hospital in Hamilton, but we have to stabilize her first for transport. Then also stated even we are successful in transferring ,Sheila has 1% CHANCE OF STAYING with us. Sheila had her heart stopped 4 times during surgary.
8th May, 2007.
At 6:30 am Jane called gave me the mind boggling news and told pray for Sheila I said sure, and told her I will be there as soon as possible. Suddenly jane’ brother Harold comes to kitchen and told me get ready quickly Shubi I will take you to Branford in your car. I was relived and filled one bag with some cloths. All I know Harold was not driving without worrying about any speed limit which was just fine with me. We got to the hospital about 1 pm. They are almost ready to go to Hamilton MacMaster hospital. Sheila was put into ambulance with 1 nurse and doctor, and escorted by a police car. Later we learned the ambulance was doing only 165 km. Anyway we there shortly after, and we were told go and wait in the intensive critical unit waiting room, a doctor will talked to us. Soon doctor and a Chaplin came to talk to us. The doctor told us her condition are critical, we will do every thing, the Chaplin also reassured us and told us she can arrange 1 room beside ICU for us and also told us how the parking fee works. After few hours later we are allowed to visit sheila 2 at a time. When I visited Sheila had 17 medication given to

her intravenously and frozen to make sure Sheila’s movement does not interfere with flow of medications. But I kind of find comport too me the doctor who can prescribe 17 medication with sequence and proper doses and the nurses who can implement the instructions. I have 100 percent confidence they can bring my daughter to good health. That night it was decided Jane and Jeff will alternately visit Sheila, we Shubi pauline and Harold will go back to our hotel in Brantford.
9th May,2007.
Just waited and prayed, we never left Sheila alone. Pauline was telling cuisine Marian has arranged a prayer group of more then 1000 plus passionate person to pray for Sheila I was delighted. Sheila was sleeping all the time and her vital signs are getting better.
We found a very nice place to stay in Hamilton
10th May, 2007.
Harold left for Ottawa with my car. Doctor came and told Sheila is on track, we still are praying to Mother Nature. Many of Sheila’s and Jeff’s friend came to visit. Sheila is still not talking, doctor said slowly he will reduce the sedation medication.
11th May,2007.
Seat with Sheila in turn we were all talking to Sheila according to doctor talking is good keeps her oriented. He also thru a bomb shell. He said there may be a chance Sheila’s brain is damaged due to previous 4 heart stops. What can we say please let us know. My niece Nita came to visit Sheila
12th May, 2007.
Some good news, according to nurse and doctor no brain damage, they gave are command and she is correctly responding. More sitting beside Sheila and of course pray. Asked Jeff what you guys do when you are sitting beside Sheila, he said seat quietly I said pray to whoever you believe. Things were going little better, Sheila has some fever, medication for fever was not working, we were told anti biotic at large dozes can cause fever so we will try eliminate it.
13th May 2007.
Pauline is going back to Ottawa has another conference. Doctors said we flashed out most of the fluid from her but there is some in her system, we don’t know if its an infection or not, we did some test and based on that we might be able to clear it with serine. If we have to operate again we are back to square one. All I can say Mother Nature why us? Later in same day the doctor told us some good news the fluid is not infected so we will let it run hope its clears out.
The high fever began to reduce.
14th May, 2007.
By now Sheila started to talk and seat up and walk a little, we were delighted. Thank you.
We were told they will move Sheila to cordia and resparity unit first then to Brantford hospital, we all objected to that but in go.
They moved Sheila to CRCU.
15th May ,2007.
Suddenly the nurse came and told Sheila that you are going to Brantford now please get ready,
My wife insisted on talking to some high official, all of us talked but no change of official mind.
Now we are in Brantford hospital. Jane stayed with Sheila that night.
16th May, 2007.

Next during doctors visit Sheila asked the doctor who was examining her if she can go home? He
said sure and a nurse will come see you for a while everyday.
Thank you, Shubi Jane, Sheila and Jeff

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Posted 2007-May-29, 02:11

I am glad to hear that your daughter is allright now. This must have been one horrible rollercoaster ride.

I fail to see the part about praying to mother nature. Those who are looking after your daughter were the doctors and nurses and many suppoprting staff who did their job excellently, even in their profession they won't experience so many highs and lows after another. I'd treat them real well, no doubt they also have some extra grey hairs after this...

To those who are complaining about the health care system in other threads, this is what it's about people. Saving lives.

I wish you and your family all the best and a long and healthy life.
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Posted 2007-May-29, 08:09

Wow, glad she's recovering well. You sounded calm, great support for her.
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Posted 2007-May-29, 09:10

I wish Sheila continued quick recovery and complete return to good health.

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Posted 2007-May-29, 10:46

Shubi, I am cwfrith from eBridge, we used to play together there occasionally. Glad to hear that your daughters situation has improved, and will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers that she will fully recover.
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#6 User is offline   shubi 

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Posted 2007-June-11, 21:35

Thank you all very much.
shubi and family

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