I was west and south (dealer) passed I bid 1 ♥ pass and my P raised 2♥
and i bid 3♦ (fake bid to prevent ♦ opening hoping to discard my worthless ♦ with help of my p's some good cards)
and my p raised to 3♥ and I bid 4♥ and 4♥ was final contract.
I managed to get all 13 tricks by opp's opening 4 of♠ (my p had nice ♠ ace)
As soon as the game ended. my expert opp removed me from the table.
I told her... Why removed me? my 3♦ bid was fake to prevent ♦ opening.
u r not very gentle.
Her answer was .... I do not tolerate psyches at my table, that's why
Is there any rule not to fake bid?