name that tune convention
Posted 2007-May-21, 08:49
After opening 1NT a jump to 3 of a major is short and shows 3 of the other major with 5-4 minors either way, game values or better. The NT hand reacts in various ways to play in the best contract.
So name that tune
Posted 2007-May-21, 08:53
mcphee, on May 21 2007, 06:49 AM, said:
After opening 1NT a jump to 3 of a major is short and shows 3 of the other major with 5-4 minors either way, game values or better. The NT hand reacts in various ways to play in the best contract.
So name that tune
LOL, if it has a name, I don't know it.
Lets call it Bobbo
#3 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2007-May-21, 08:58
Posted 2007-May-21, 08:58
If it were me, I'd called this "VIS", (Short for "Very Infrequent Splinter")
Posted 2007-May-21, 09:48
Posted 2007-May-21, 15:10
I play it in all four suits.
Posted 2007-May-21, 19:00
2C thru 2H are majors oriented, and
2S thru 3S are minors oriented...
isn't that interesting
Posted 2007-May-21, 19:15
A quick search on google reveals that there is an article from The Bridge World magazine named "The Tracer Bid", written by Krishna Vahalia.
It's the Februrary 1987 V 58 N 5 issue btw.
Unfortunately I don't have that issue. . . (I'm only 4 that year lol) so maybe someone else can check this out.
Posted 2007-May-22, 05:32
Posted 2007-May-22, 10:00
vang, on May 22 2007, 11:15 AM, said:
If this is the name, then definetelly I have heeard of it, my polish friend told me that is the only convention to be alerted when playing wj, because all the others are just standard.
Posted 2007-May-22, 10:32
I love that bid, some people don't want to use it without slam interest but I use it every chance I get, with generally very good results.
Posted 2007-May-22, 10:41
That is somewhat ambigous. Maybe it should read "fragment jump responses to 1NT" or some such.
Posted 2007-May-22, 12:51
Posted 2007-May-22, 13:04
- hrothgar
Posted 2007-May-22, 15:20
Posted 2007-May-23, 04:54
Jari, on May 22 2007, 09:20 PM, said:
I guess something like 'pyunch-stere-tse-yeden'
Posted 2007-May-23, 08:04
Posted 2007-May-23, 08:27
Surely there are hands with a higher frequency that could be better served by using those 4 (almost totally) idle bids.....