This hand does have the potential to make slam. The problem is, its not enough to have good trumps. It's likely that pard has wasted values in spades, especially something like KJ. You need pard to have either a great hand, or very little in spades. I'm not aware of a systemic way of asking "pard what do you have outside of spades, beyond good hearts". 5
♥ asks for trump support, which is not enough.
Your chance of slam is probably a lot less than 50%.
♥ is an excellent contract. I would sign off.
As for 4
♣ being a
♠ splinter, go ahead and spring that undiscussed with a pick up pard
Fred (and everyone else),
What are some of the ways (real) experts use 3NT by responder after a forcing NT?
>Consider using the 3NT rebid in this auction to be a strong hand in support of hearts with shortness in spades.
While this makes sense to me, how much does it cost?
I assume if responder had a crayy 13 HCP they could make a 2/1 then sign off.
If responded bids 2NT, that shows 11-12 (or a great 10).
The other question is how frequently will one use the 3NT bid in this manner? How often will this come up that the non-expert partnership (that plays once a week) will remember it in a year
I can imagine a set of agreements that make perfect sense, don't cost anything, but because they are rare might result in partnership forgets.