Bidding went:
p-4♥-all pass
2♦ was 6+ suit 10-14 (usually with 8 we open strong or game level. but not 100%)
3♦ might have been bidding the same hand twice. but no undos now.
T1: Opening lead is ♠Q (do you agree?)
Dummy covers and East now plays the 2, clearly preference for ♣.
T2: Declarer draws 1 round of trump, West winning.
T3: West tables the ♣J, dummy's K is covered by East's ace and... oh no, oh no, by declarer's smallest heart.
T4 (...): declarer claims and defenders reluctantly accept.
What went wrong here? any kind of advice (besides "stop playing fancy systems if you can't defend properly") is most welcome