mike777, on May 14 2007, 05:35 PM, said:
I must admit all of this 3h =good hand seems like nonsense. You have many other bids with a good hand...only one with a minimum hand and 6Hearts.
Again why make problems for your pickup partner?
I must admit all of this 3h =preempt seems like nonsense. Opps had several oppourtunities to come in but failed.
I think nonsense is a much too strong word for using a bid 95 % of all lol will understand.
Why make problems for your pickup partner?
2 Spade / 3 Club/dimond shows what? It is inviting for sure, but I won´t know if this is a long/short/help suit game try. Would you?
2 NT is an invitation for sure. But Pds 3 Diamond answer shows what?
You create problems with any of these bids.
Of course you should (or at least could) use these bids in a established partnership, but with a pick up pd?
And 3 Heart as an invitational bid does give less informations about the lead to opps then any more descreptive bid.
I will never claim that 3 Heart as inviting is superior. But it is surely nonsense to claim this approach as nonsense.