In general I try not to assume non standard agreements that OP does not specify that would show my hand exactly though.
Yeah we didn't have that agreement and we don't want to make it. On (our) general principles double would be for penalty. Maybe not the best but at least no disagreements possible
Even if they take the push to 5♥, they'll almost certainly make it
Why ? It's matchpoints.. people stretch to overbid if vulnerable...
The only thing more ridiculous than bidding over 4♥ is bidding over 2♥.
I agree, that's why I passed
see my version of same auction
Haha... Yeah but your only hope was to find good
♠ fit which partner would have doubled with having his share of high cards.
My hope is to find
♦ fit which he can very possible have even having quite a strong hand.
I think we need all our tools over preempts to show different types and degrees of good hands, and should not waste any of them in direct seat with bad hands.
I tend to agree but 3
♥ is not used by us a lot. How do you play it ? We play 4
♦ as leaping micheals but we didn't really discussed how good the hand should be for it (just use common sense which probably I don't have much of:) ).