A new version of GIB has been released. Please say something if things look funky. Best if bugs are reported in GIB forum here http://www.bridgebas...bot-discussion/, or via the "bug report" form within BBO for new BBO version users.
A word from BBO developers: We don't have time to reply to every email or forum post, but at this moment almost every bug report sent in has been reviewed. A large number of (though not all), bugs were fixed in this patch. Please continue to send in the bug reports so GIB can grow into the best robot ever! For the curious, we call this GIB version 17.
Robot will now be more conservative after Stayman and game invitation in opener's major.
Robot will now be more conservative about choosing to compete with Lebensohl.
Robot will be smarter about reverses that are also cue bids.
Robot will be smarter about responders 4 minor rebid after a 2NT opener, and about opener's subsequent calls.
Robot will be smarter about raising responders heart suit after the sequence 1S-P-2H-P
Robot will be smarter after Stayman is doubled/redoubled.
Other minor tweaks and many many bug fixes.
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GIB upgraded V17 released
Posted 2011-June-07, 07:28
"More and more these days I find myself pondering how to reconcile my net income with my gross habits."
John Nelson.
John Nelson.
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