Response to take out double Should one bid minor or major
Posted 2007-February-12, 20:37
Are you going to bid 3D or 2S? If you choose 2S, how about the hand becomes 4-1-6-2? Will you still pick the Major bid?
Posted 2007-February-13, 01:58
However, with the idea that the right side should play the contract - I would consider bidding 2♥ forcing for one round, and to let partner show his 4 card spade - promising exactly 4 card major myself. This will right-side a spade contract. I can then later make a game-trial bid depending on agreement.
If he denies spades, he probably got some sound minor values, which gives me room to show a nice 5 card with 3♦. I would expect partner to fully "see" my hand as: 4 spades, 5+ diamonds with invitational values in the two suits; 10-12 fit points with a suit contract.
With 4-1-6-2 I actually got some game going values. Investigating slam may be a long shot, so I would start the same way; 2♥. Simple preference in spade from partner, makes it easy to jump to game. All other bids from partner, makes things interesting!
Posted 2007-February-13, 05:50
George Carlin
Posted 2007-February-13, 08:08
Make it more difficult: ♠Jxxx ♥xx ♦AKJxxx ♣x
Posted 2007-February-13, 08:47
Is that just a holdover from my youth? And if so, what do you bid with:
AKx xxx Axx xxxx? Wrongsiding the contract could be fatal.
Posted 2007-February-13, 09:52
1H X Pass 2H
Pass 2S Pass 3S
can be passed.
Improve my spades to as little as AJxx instead of Axxx and I think I would bid 2H intending to raise the expected 2S to a passable 3. The chances of partner escaping a trump loser, say with KTxx, have improved. As it is I think 2S is enough. I would not bid my diamonds even if I had six. I agree that it gets more iffy with weaker spades, but I still bid my spades. If I have spades, and if it appears partner has spades, it seems right to bid spades.
Posted 2007-February-13, 10:07
jtfanclub, on Feb 13 2007, 04:47 PM, said:
Is that just a holdover from my youth? And if so, what do you bid with:
AKx xxx Axx xxxx? Wrongsiding the contract could be fatal.
Same approach:
(p) - 2♠
I have no trouble passing partners 2♠ with 3 card support (though I would like to have 4-but given your example...), or 3♣/♦ for that matter - denying 4 spades given partner may t/o with a 3 card spades.
Posted 2007-February-13, 13:49
1H X Pass 2H
Pass 2S pass 3S
as a passable sequence.
If this is not allowed as a passable sequence then it seems that after 1H-X-Pass fourth hand will jump to 2S with the given hand and with a stronger hand must choose between the same jump to 2S and a game forcing 2H. Surely there are hands where you wish to show something stronger than the given hand without forcing to game. What else would 3S be besides invitational to 4? A slam try? Seems less likely to be useful.
Posted 2007-February-13, 14:17
So here I bid 2S. With AKx xxx Axx xxxx I think I'd bid 3C, although 1NT may be better. I'd probably make it even if they can take the first 5 heart tricks, while 3C could be in sserious trouble when partner has the wrong hand.
- hrothgar
Posted 2007-February-13, 14:53
I am also more likely to upgrade a 4=6 hand via 2♥ than a 4=5 hand. I play that the cue establishes a force until we have bid and raised a suit or we have reached game. Thus, here, if I were to cue and then raise partner's 2♠ bid to 3♠, that would be non-forcing. However, I would not cue this hand: it is just a little light: were I 5=2=4=2, I might be more inclined to do it.
Posted 2007-February-14, 02:19