A different type of BART
Hi. I will address you real bart below, but first for something completely different. You may want to extend Bart type responses to
1H - 1NT - 2C responses.....
Here, some standard stuff
3C = curtesy raise (none of raises below)
2N = 8+-10 balanced
2S = five clubs, 9 -10 points
2H = good 8 - 10 HCP 2 card preference
3D = yuck, 6-bad 9 HCP and 6+ Diamonds
3H = normal 3 card limit raise
2D = SORT OF DIFFERENT BART, partner bids 2H (see exception)
- Pass = weak preference, weaker than 2H immediately
- 2S = better 5 card raise of Clubs than immeidate 2S, implies balanced hand type
- 3D = better diamond hand than immediate 3D
- 2NT = 11-12 better than immediate 2NT
- 3C = 11 - 12 better than immediate 3C, 6+ clubs, longer clubs than delayed 2S, unbalanced
If opener had a near game force hand over 1NT, over 2D he can make a descriptive rebid... 2NT = big hand 6 card suit, think 18 points, 3H = good suit, 6+. 3C = 5-5 hand, good values.
Now for good old, normal BART
Now to your original question....Bart responses.... I think we are on somewhat different pages regarding BART. Your initial responses are are pretty good, although I doubt anything above 3D is really biddable in response to 2D. However, I will respond 2H on doubleton heart much more frequently than your comments suggest. I also use 2D with diamonds only with invitational hand. I use an immediate 3D as a bail out with diamonds and weaker stuff (PFA). In fact, the types of hand I can hold for using BART are much more extensive (and in some ways different) from the possible hands you suggest.
The type of hand I have for BART are:
- 1. any hand with 5+ hearts (same)
- 2. any hand with good two card support for spades (not mentioned), limiting the immediate 2S rebid to 6-9 pts
- 3. any hand with invitational stregth and diamonds (limiting the jump to 3D to signoff hands)
- 4. any hand with good 2NT rebid (limiting immediate 2NT rebid to 9-10 tops)
- 5. any ahnd with good club raise (limiting immediate 3C raise to 9 points tops)