Scoring: IMP
The bidding was
(1) - Precision, 10-14PC, 6+cl or 5+cl + exactly 4 in some major suit
(2) - non forsing, may be raised with 5+cl + 4H
(3) - after some small hesitation
(4) - after approximately 10 seconds of waiting
All other bids were made a tempo. The result: down two, -500, -8I MPs from point of view of N-S.
The director was called immediately after the double bid. The decision: everything was OK, the result stands. Your opinion?
Let us mark the whole story and the bid description (4) as alternative "A". let us have two more alternatives:
Alternative B:
(4) - four minutes of waiting, looking into cards, eating sandwich, then "I am sorry, it is my turn, is not it...!?", then 10 more seconds of thinking, passing finally
Alternative C:
(4) - detailed asking about the meaning of 2C and 3C bid, then three minutes of waiting, looking into cards, eating sandwich... the rest the same as in alternative B.
Would the difference between the alternative A and the other alternatives influcence your estimation of the situation?