Posted 2006-December-19, 10:28
I have some sympathy for South's 2♣ bid on hand 1. When the auction goes 1NT-P-P and you have less than 10 HCP, partner often has a reasonable hand, and it's worth balancing. This is more true in MP than IMPs, though -- if you can only set 1NT down 1, but you can make a part score, or if they can make 1 or 2 NT while you go down only 1 or 2 at favorable vulnerability, you'll get a good board by bidding. At IMPs it's usually just a difference of 1 or 2 IMPs one way or the other; the situation in this hand, where the defense can take so many tricks, is pretty rare (down 4 seems to require excellent defense, I think).
Note, BTW, that you should prefer to reopen with WEAK hands, not good ones. You want the strong hand to be sitting over the strong NT bidder. If you have a good hand in the balancing seat, much of your strength is negated because your high cards will be captured by LHO.
However, I also usually play conventional overcalls of 1NT, to show two-suiters (there are a number of good conventions, I happen to like DONT). When partner doesn't make such an overcall I have an expectation of a flat hand across the table, which is likely to have a fit for one of my suits, so we'll probably find a good place to play. If you don't use a convention like this, coming in by yourself with only a 5-card suit can be dangerous. Especially if the suit is a minor, as RHO may also have length there and no way to show it (he needs 6 of them to transfer to the minor).