You are playing with an expert pick-up partner, and the auction commences 1♦ (2♣) X (pass); What would you assume the approximate ranges and minimum suit lengths to be for opener's rebids? Would you play it any differently with a regular partner?
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Responding to a negative double
Posted 2006-December-02, 10:59
Unlike a double of a major, I play this sequence as two places to play. It should ideally show a semi-balanced 8 count or better. 2 places to play include:
1. Both 4 card majors
2. One 4 card major and diamond support
3. One 4 card major and a club stop
Note that a single suited major passes first. This is one of the reasons why I drop the requirement a little to a real good 8 perhaps for a 2 of a major.
I wouldn't treat jump rebids as any stronger than 1 minor - 1 major - 3 major. 2 of a major should be 4 pieces and a minimum, however, you might be stuck bidding a 3 card major on ♠xx ♥AQx ♦Axxx ♣Qxxx.
1. Both 4 card majors
2. One 4 card major and diamond support
3. One 4 card major and a club stop
Note that a single suited major passes first. This is one of the reasons why I drop the requirement a little to a real good 8 perhaps for a 2 of a major.
I wouldn't treat jump rebids as any stronger than 1 minor - 1 major - 3 major. 2 of a major should be 4 pieces and a minimum, however, you might be stuck bidding a 3 card major on ♠xx ♥AQx ♦Axxx ♣Qxxx.
"Phil" on BBO
Posted 2006-December-02, 11:12
pclayton, on Dec 2 2006, 05:59 PM, said:
however, you might be stuck bidding a 3 card major on ♠xx ♥AQx ♦Axxx ♣Qxxx.
What about this hand makes it a 2♥ bid rather than a 2NT bid?
#4 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2006-December-02, 11:19
minimum lengths: 2D 5, 2H 3, 2S 3.
minimum strengths: 2x minimum (including 2N) 3x extras, can be less than 1m 1M 3M. 4M more based on shape, cue then 4M more based on strength.
minimum strengths: 2x minimum (including 2N) 3x extras, can be less than 1m 1M 3M. 4M more based on shape, cue then 4M more based on strength.
Posted 2006-December-02, 12:23
Very depends on system you play.
Playing weak nt or or opening balanced hands via 1♣, my 2M bid always shows 4 because I can always rebid 2♦ having 5.
Mimimum hand for 3M is when I want to play 3nt against minimum partner with stopper in clubs and without fit.
Playing weak nt or or opening balanced hands via 1♣, my 2M bid always shows 4 because I can always rebid 2♦ having 5.
Mimimum hand for 3M is when I want to play 3nt against minimum partner with stopper in clubs and without fit.
Sorry, my english is not perfect :(
Posted 2006-December-02, 12:39
MickyB, on Dec 2 2006, 09:12 AM, said:
pclayton, on Dec 2 2006, 05:59 PM, said:
however, you might be stuck bidding a 3 card major on ♠xx ♥AQx ♦Axxx ♣Qxxx.
What about this hand makes it a 2♥ bid rather than a 2NT bid?
I'd want to take my chances in the 4-3 instead of 2N with the flaky club stop and no source of tricks. The 2344 has a ruffing value too.
Of course, I may be playing a mini-moysian too LOL.
Weak NT's anyone?

"Phil" on BBO
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