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Blues defense

#1 User is offline   sathyab 

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Posted 2006-December-01, 13:52

Scoring: MP

In the sixth session of Blue Ribbon Pairs in Hawaii, with your side silent, bidding goes 1s-1nt-2s-3s-4s.

Partner leads the 9 of spades. Your move.
Seeking input from anyone who doesn't frequently "wtp", "Lol" or post to merely "Agree with ..."

#2 Guest_Jlall_*

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Posted 2006-December-01, 13:55

winning and shifting to a diamond just seems very natural to me. No great analysis... we need to set up some tricks and diamonds is the obvious choice, the diamonds could go away on the hearts, etc etc.

#3 User is offline   sathyab 

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Posted 2006-December-01, 14:26

Yes, we need to take some tricks before they disappear on the hearts presumably. But some analysis is needed though to make diamonds more attractive than clubs. If you reduce the problem to "Partner has a minor suit card; I need to find it", it appears to be a guess. After all if declarer has 6 spades, Kxx of hearts and two minor suit aces, it's a toss of the coin. Some of the time it'll turn out to be just a guess, can we do better when it's not ?
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#4 Guest_Jlall_*

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Posted 2006-December-01, 14:54

sathyab, on Dec 1 2006, 03:26 PM, said:

Yes, we need to take some tricks before they disappear on the hearts presumably. But some analysis is needed though to make diamonds more attractive than clubs. If you reduce the problem to "Partner has a minor suit card; I need to find it", it appears to be a guess. After all if declarer has 6 spades, Kxx of hearts and two minor suit aces, it's a toss of the coin. Some of the time it'll turn out to be just a guess, can we do better when it's not ?

I'm looking at 7 diamonds and 9 clubs. I have the DK and just the CQ. The JT of clubs are in dummy.

All this means is that there is almost no chance of taking 2 club tricks (partner would need the ace, declarer the king, a 2-2 split, and declarer making an unlikely misguess). If we hit partner in diamonds theres a chance of taking 2 or 3 diamond tricks. Even if declarer has weak clubs, he will often be stiff. By playing clubs we may set up discards for declarer, by playing diamonds we can't. It just seems obvious that diamonds is percentage even if it doesn't always work out.

#5 User is offline   pclayton 

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Posted 2006-December-01, 15:24

We can deduce that declarer has in the 13+ - 15- range. This gives pard 4-7 or so. Declarer doesn't have 4 hearts, or 5 or a minor (probably). There's nothing compelling about a trump lead on this auction, so I'm not putting pard on any strong holdings in / or . Pard probably has low honors in both minors, and maybe the K.

Beyond that, I don't think theres a lot to figure out about this hand. And I certainly I wouldn't tax myself at the table trying to deduce any more than this. Even if I make some educated guesses beyond what I can tell, I'm not sure they are relevant to my play at T2 anyway.

At the table, I'm guessing I'd have a on the table in less time that it took to type this.
"Phil" on BBO

#6 User is offline   1eyedjack 

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Posted 2006-December-01, 15:50

I might duck trick 1. Maybe I get more info by the time I win trump Ace. If p has two trumps left I might get a suit pref.
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#7 User is online   mike777 

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Posted 2006-December-01, 15:55

Ok low D

This is may sound too formulastic but I just attack dummy's weakest 3 card holding. I see no reason for choices 2 or 3 which is to pull trumps or knock out a dummy entry. Choice 4 would be lead partner's bid suit which in this case is none. Not sure what choice 5 should be?

#8 User is offline   pclayton 

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Posted 2006-December-01, 16:02

1eyedjack, on Dec 1 2006, 01:50 PM, said:

I might duck trick 1.  Maybe I get more info by the time I win trump Ace.  If p has two trumps left I might get a suit pref.

I considered this, but pard may be leading from 10xx. We might be able to hurt communications by winning the spade and shifting to a .

Not likely, but possible. But its also unlikely we can get any meaningful information from pard's spade spot.
"Phil" on BBO

#9 User is offline   FrancesHinden 

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Posted 2006-December-01, 16:33

Partner's trump lead is surprising. If he had even Q to length in diamonds and certainly King to length in clubs or hearts I'd expect an attacking lead from the honour.

The best reason for leading a trump is that he has a minor suit ace and didn't want to lead it. That also indicates a diamond switch. Ducking the spade looks very silly indeed if declarer has


I had to construct this hand fairly carefully to stop partner having a singleton club to lead, so perhaps in fact


is more likely. But with this hand he has to guess what to do on a diamond back, and might go wrong.

#10 Guest_Jlall_*

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Posted 2006-December-01, 16:34

1eyedjack, on Dec 1 2006, 04:50 PM, said:

I might duck trick 1. Maybe I get more info by the time I win trump Ace. If p has two trumps left I might get a suit pref.

or declarer might have KTxxxx Kx xxx AK and play 3 rounds of hearts pitching a diamond while you ruff with the ace.

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