hrothgar, on Nov 24 2006, 02:54 PM, said:
Constructive openings promise 6+ Slam points. Extreme two suiters with 10+ cards in the two longest suits require 5 slam points
Minimum unbalanced hands suitable for a constructive opening
♠ 32
♥ KJ74
♦ 6
♦ AJT932
♠ 64
♥ A2
♦ QT976
♣ K975
The boundary conditions between pass and preemptive openings are a lot more complicated. Issues like suit quality are often a lot more important than the raw strength of the hand.
Referring to the old quick trick counting?
hrothgar, on Nov 24 2006, 02:54 PM, said:
You've opened a very complicated can of worms and I doubt that you are going to find a very satisfactory answer. From my perspective, the only system designers that were really studying these types of issues seriously were the various light opening theorists; most of whom gave up on this type of work when it became apparant that the the regulatory authorities were more interested in preserving the status quo than in technical merit of different approaches to bidding. Accordingly, what you are going to see is silly little rules of thumb like the you want 13 HCP because this is one trick stronger than average.
In my book by Slawinski/Ruminski "Introduction to weak opening systems" they are operating with a term called 'aggressiveness'. Anybody who knows what that term means?
They also have a figures for several of the systems:
Regres - Mean opening 2.19
BezNazwy - Mean opening 2.18
Lambda - Mean opening 2.09
Antidelta - Mean opening 2.32
Sigma - Mean opening 2.47
Big Beat - Mean opening 1.92
Delta - Mean opening 1.8
Beta - Mean opening 2.09
As I understand it means something like the higher the figure the more aggressive the system is.
Anybody who really knows about this?
Anybody who knows how to construct such calculations?