IMPs, dull auction
West leads J of the spades. Before reading on, think about what's the best line in the worst case?
This is what I would do. The worst case is K10xx of diamonds behind QJ9x. So I'd lead get on board and lead a diamond toward Q, to cater stiff K in RHO's hand.
If the Q of diamonds holds, duck a small diamond, ie, lead toward dummy's Ace in the 2nd round. If finding RHO ducked with K10xx(ie, LHO started with stiff diamond x), claim.
If the Q lost to the K, again plan to lead the 2nd round of diamonds from hand, toward's dummy's Ace. If finding LHO has stiff K orginally(he would show out at this moment), claim.
So it is all down to the 2nd round of diamonds. When LHO takes the trick and RHO shows out, it depends upon LHO's return. If LHO returns a spade, I hope to reach this ending:
S x
H --
D x
C Ax
S --
D --
C K10x
A typical B1 type double squeeze, if RHO has to guard the 4th spade. On the J of hearts, nobody can guard clubs.
If LHO has to guard the 4th spade, there is hope of guard squeeze in clubs, ie, LHO is down to singleton club honor. You drop it and finesse on the way back.
However, if both defenders follow 3 rounds of spades, I won't be sure who has the 4th, thus after cash the J of hearts(the squeezing trick), and lead a club to the Ace seeinging LHO following an honor, it's not clear to play
double squeeze or guard squeeze.
Now let's go back to the critical ending, after RHO shows out in diamonds and LHO returns a club, attacking your B threat communication(which was actually what I did at the table, I was the West BTW), you have to take the Ace. Again the possibility of double squeeze isn't lost but you have to be careful enough to play the R-F-L non-simoutaneous B1 double squeeze. Cashing spades (the R threat if RHO holding the 4th spade)first then run hearts(the free winners) and later play a diamond to the Ace(the L threat),
the ending:
S x
H --
D Ax
C x
S --
D x
C K10
Assuming RHO guarding spades, on the J of hearts, prepare to part dummy's diamond. LHO must keep 2 diamonds thus give up clubs. When leading to the diamond Ace, RHO is squeezed in blacks.
However, if LHO guarding the 4th spade, then it fails if RHO has both club honors originally. In that case, you better hope a simple squeeze in spades-diamonds against LHO. Cashing the heart pitching CLUB, then play K of the clubs.
Again, double squeeze, simple squeeze or guard squeeze, it's a guess in the ending.
I am not sure if my line is the best coz there is still guesswork to do. Can it be improved?
If you have been reading through here without losing patience, you are truly a maniac squeezer.
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6NT for maniac squeezers
Posted 2003-June-04, 21:55
Welcome to the BBF lifemonster, nice post.
Your lines looks just right, often squeeze endings is a guess, and the defense can make it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for you to get it right. But before I make a comment about declarer play, first, I want to comment on the defense for minute. The best defense is probably is to duck the DK from DKT8x behind the QJ9x which you didn't mention. When declarer then leads a low diamond back, west plays low again, and if south carelessly plays the D-ACE, he sinks his own ship (I am assuming WEST has something like KT8x of diamonds). However, I believe you found or would have found the counter to this evil duck, which is to duck the second diamond yourself once LHO follows suit.
(*Note: A guard squeeze is used when you have a DEFECTIVE simple squeeze. ) Here, there is no real a priori reason to play for a guard squeeze specifically, because when it is working, then the simple squeeze with the squeeze card being the second club winner for instance must be working (the CLUB ACE) in the simple 3 card ending dummy holds S4 D3 CA and South holds DJx and a C.
However, the guard squeeze does provide you with a neat ending, where you can combine play for EAST to have the long SPADE, and WEST to have the long diamond. But, sadly, the defense can make it very hard for you to read the ending, and to know if the double squeeze worked, or if you should play for a guard squeeze., a point you noted. The fact is you can always make it if you guess who has the 4th spade.
Of course what you would like to do is get some kind of count on their hands. After the second diamond wins in LHO, let's go with your Spade return (as good as any). Realize that now they will get tricky. No trustworthy count anywhere, and on third round of Spades LHO will surely drop the ST from ST8 or stiff ST. (If it would never occur to this opponent to do that, then you KNOW how to play).
On one of your lines, you asked "and lead a club to the Ace seeing LHO following an honor, it's not clear to play double squeeze or guard squeeze." This is a common problem. I say hope for friendly defense who help you get a count on their black suits. You might decide this is a restricted choice situation, and that with both high clubs LHO could discard either one, so when he discards one, you play for the guard squeeze. But it is still a guess.
Thanks again for the interesting hand (BTW, there is an interesting hand forum here).
Your lines looks just right, often squeeze endings is a guess, and the defense can make it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for you to get it right. But before I make a comment about declarer play, first, I want to comment on the defense for minute. The best defense is probably is to duck the DK from DKT8x behind the QJ9x which you didn't mention. When declarer then leads a low diamond back, west plays low again, and if south carelessly plays the D-ACE, he sinks his own ship (I am assuming WEST has something like KT8x of diamonds). However, I believe you found or would have found the counter to this evil duck, which is to duck the second diamond yourself once LHO follows suit.
(*Note: A guard squeeze is used when you have a DEFECTIVE simple squeeze. ) Here, there is no real a priori reason to play for a guard squeeze specifically, because when it is working, then the simple squeeze with the squeeze card being the second club winner for instance must be working (the CLUB ACE) in the simple 3 card ending dummy holds S4 D3 CA and South holds DJx and a C.
However, the guard squeeze does provide you with a neat ending, where you can combine play for EAST to have the long SPADE, and WEST to have the long diamond. But, sadly, the defense can make it very hard for you to read the ending, and to know if the double squeeze worked, or if you should play for a guard squeeze., a point you noted. The fact is you can always make it if you guess who has the 4th spade.
Of course what you would like to do is get some kind of count on their hands. After the second diamond wins in LHO, let's go with your Spade return (as good as any). Realize that now they will get tricky. No trustworthy count anywhere, and on third round of Spades LHO will surely drop the ST from ST8 or stiff ST. (If it would never occur to this opponent to do that, then you KNOW how to play).
On one of your lines, you asked "and lead a club to the Ace seeing LHO following an honor, it's not clear to play double squeeze or guard squeeze." This is a common problem. I say hope for friendly defense who help you get a count on their black suits. You might decide this is a restricted choice situation, and that with both high clubs LHO could discard either one, so when he discards one, you play for the guard squeeze. But it is still a guess.
Thanks again for the interesting hand (BTW, there is an interesting hand forum here).
Posted 2003-June-05, 12:22
Moreover, in reality, I was the West and I actually held:
So it was East guarding the 4th spade, and in the ending of double squeeze, you do have a guess of whether it's double squeeze or guard squeeze, because
after cashing the J of hearts and leading a club towards Ace, I will have to follow an honor and in the 2-card ending, you will have a tough time deciding to finesse or drop! ;D :
So it was East guarding the 4th spade, and in the ending of double squeeze, you do have a guess of whether it's double squeeze or guard squeeze, because
after cashing the J of hearts and leading a club towards Ace, I will have to follow an honor and in the 2-card ending, you will have a tough time deciding to finesse or drop! ;D :
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