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BridgeHands Audiocast/Podcast Eddie Kantar Interview - Part 2

#1 User is offline   BridgeHands 

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Posted 2006-November-04, 15:43

Hello Bridge Base Friends,

We invite you to listen to the conclusion of our recent audiocast interview with Eddie Kantar at:

If you have iTunes or another aggregator player with "Real Simple Syndication" (RSS), the XML address for the Podcast is:

Here's the show notes:

Minute: Topic
0-3: Introductions
3: Teaser - Jude Goodwin - Great Bridge Links
4: Eddie’s critique playing online with Yvonne
5: How Pros help clients win
6: Being a good partner
10: Adventures playing with Marshall Miles
15: Coauthoring books
17: Books, large and small
18: Computer-based instructions
21: Evolutions in bidding philosophy
26: Avoiding excessive conventions
29: Fast Eddie at table tennis
31: Money Bridge
32: Online Bridge Play
38: Everyone loves Yvonne Kantar
40: Closing joke and the world’s best game
42: Dear Dummy - “Kantar 2 Notrump over a minor”
49: Crystal gets her wish

We look forward to your feedback about our blog and audio programs at:
This BBO Forum
FAX/VoiceMail: 707-780-3052
Phone: 707-769-4499 (via your PCs microphone)

Warm Regards,

Michael Nistler

#2 User is offline   DJNeill 

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Posted 2006-November-05, 13:23

Hi M,
Great broadcasts with Kantar! I thought it was great to hear his views on all sorts of bridge topics.


#3 User is offline   csdenmark 

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Posted 2006-November-05, 16:27

Very very insteresting Michael. Really great web-site with much important stuff. I assume the info is stable so it will be safe to link to you.

I have added your web-site to my links. I have also added your RSS-feed to this site:

I only found this single RSS-feed and Omea Reader did not find other either. Maybe you offer more feeds? For general security reasons I prefer to avoid mailing lists.

I have no idea how much your voice information is aimed for an audience outside the english language area. But for myself it would had been a great help to understand Eddie Kantar better if I had the text or more notes. My english is my school english 40 years ago.

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Posted 2006-November-05, 21:47

Anybody know where Part I is?
Is the word "pass" not in your vocabulary?
So many experts, not enough X cards.

#5 User is offline   BridgeHands 

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Posted 2006-November-07, 02:39

Hi all,

Nice to hear from you and glad to hear you enjoyed Eddie's interview. Eddie not only has an awesome history as a pro and leading teacher, but he is also very thoughtful and kind gentleman. It's great to acknowledge his numerous achievements. We will post our next interview with GreatBridgeLinks leader, Jude Goodwin, in one week; Jude has also worked very hard over the years to offer us useful websites (5000+ weblinks!!!). FYI - along with the most recent interview, past interviews are always available at our "blog" (newest at top of the blog). See:

Bid Em Up: Our home page at only has the most recent audiocast interview, but you can click on "Blog" at the top of any of our thousands of webpages to reach all of our audiocast interviews (or click on "Archive" near the player widget on the home page).

Yes, Claus, we are very careful to keep our page URLs stable! We've been online for one year now and haven't restructured any of our thousands of webpages (nor do we have any intentions to do so). The structure for the 1500+ bridge book web pages will remain constant and the 500+ pages in the encyclopedia are all locked in using the alphabetic structure. Both these sections have *numerous* cross-links not available on other websites we've visited on the net - all these indexes are stable. Regarding the (WordPress) blog, the categories track with the BridgeHands website so the URLs are also stable - perhaps we might add additional categories if we try a videocast someday. And other sections such as the hundreds of web pages for the ACBL NABC/WBF major tourney bulletins, ACBL Laws, Appeals, Director Decisions and Tech Files, etc are all stable. In the rare instance when we have a change of heart, our philosophy is to have two instances of a web page (such as "double barrel stayman" and "forcing two way stayman").

Claus, thanks also for the link to BridgeHands. Based on feedback from our friends at BridgeGuys, earlier this year we added a directory of outgoing links to other notable bridge websites such as your site. Similar to our encyclopedia, the link indexes are organized alphabetically (see "Link" hyperlink at the bottom of any of our web pages); so your site would is located here: http://www.bridgehan...min/Links_B.htm
As most webmaster are aware, the number and quality of inbound links helps to promote the importance/relevance of search engine "hits" - hopefully our links are helpful to yours and other bridge sites.

Warm Regards,

Michael Nistler

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