Cross Imps is the way to go and I vote it never be changed.
As for "funny results", in tournaments, if someone intentionally does soemthiong wacky, the director can correct the score to protect the field by adjusting the result.
In main room first off, it doesn't really matter. Are you taking those scores THAT serioiusly? Second, each group of 16 hands are compared to 15 different talbles (or at least a lot of different ones) so the "arrow switch" thing is surely maximized. Third, a lot weird results are attempts of people to win bridge. If they get it right, even for the wrong reason, they deserve there good result. You got the "normal one" and their weird one beat you out? Tough luck. IF they get it wrong, you get a better than average result. That is bridge. And we do have three and four table events, imagine those where your throw out the top and bottom score (well with 3 it doesn't matter).
Lets imagine a worse case (and there are no where near that many) where one pair produces a weird result that gives the players sitting your direction 24 imps (the maximum). This is compared across 16 tables (divide by 15), so each other table gets 24/15 or -1.6 imps. That might not make us happy, but in a tourmaent, that 24 imps would give that pair a commanding lead (assuming the director doesn't fit it), but in the main room? So what? Your overall score is only compared with yourself...
And lets take that tragic -1.6 imps you get credited towards you when some really does something stupid and sufferes -24 imps. How big is that? I would be much more upset about the - fact that if your opponents have 26 to 29 hcp and opener has 4333, 4432, 5332, or 5422 distribtuion and they bid and make a pedestrian 3NT you will average -2.77 imps, and that is little unchanges rather you use butler or crossimps.
And really, what does throwing out the highest and lowest really do for you? Not much, but often over reward incompetence. Check this hand. NS ahve 12 tricks in clubs (4D, 4C, 2H, 1S, 1H ruff). Look at all the 6NT biddes... (8), 7NT ibdders (1) and amazingly a 6S bidder. Only one pair bid the correct slam to play (and even that is 50-50 as you have to find the club). Throw out the high and low, and average the results, imp with what is left, and the underbidders are rewarded (their scores go up), when in fact, they have very little to be proud of. If heart hook was on, they would have lost tons of imps. Cross imps look fairer to me. Also note, and this is important, you ge the same score as anyone sitting your direction with the same result (true of either method). (on this hand, your weird result (6C making) is my idea of good bridge).
IMP-291 [space] [space] notaio [space] [space] [space]Dlr: North
Board 6596 [space]S Q763 [space] [space] [space]Vul: N-S
[space] [space] [space] [space] [space] [space]H AJ5 [space] [space] [space]
giancarlod [space]D KQ [space] [space] [space] [space]Aris 61 [space] [space]
S T8542 [space] [space] C AJ32 [space] [space] [space]S KJ [space] [space] [space] [space]
H 3 [space] [space] [space] [space] [space] [space] [space] [space] [space] [space] H QT9864 [space] [space]
D T932 [space] [space] [space]BDP30 [space] [space] [space] D 754 [space] [space] [space]
C Q84 [space] [space] [space] S A9 [space] [space] [space] [space]C 76 [space] [space] [space] [space]
[space] [space] [space] [space] [space] [space]H K72 [space] [space] [space]
[space] [space] [space] [space] [space] [space]D AJ86 [space] [space] [space]
[space] [space] [space] [space] [space] [space]C KT95 [space] [space] [space]
# Contr Ld Decl Tr Score Cross Imps
1 6C N H3 Playe1 12 1370 15.27 15
2 3N S HT Playe2 12 690 8.6 11
3 3N S H9 Playe3 11 660 8.27 11
4 3N N S4 Playe4 11 660 8.27 11
5 4N S HQ Playe5 11 660 8.27 11
6 4N N S4 Playe6 10 630 7.6 11
7 6N N S4 Playe7 11 -100 -3.2 -6
8 6N N S4 Playe8 11 -100 -3.2 -6
9 6N N S4 Playe9 11 -100 -3.2 -6
10 6N N DT Playe10 11 -100 -3.2 -6
11 6N N S4 Playe11 11 -100 -3.2 -6
12 6N N H3 Playe12 10 -200 -5.13 -8
13 6S N H3 Playe13 10 -200 -5.13 -8
14 7N N S4 Playe14 11 -200 -5.13 -8
15 6N N S4 Playe15 7 -500 -9.87 -8
16 6NXX N S2 Playe16 10 -1000 -15 -15