Seeking opinions on stars and locks Version 4.9.1 required
Posted 2006-October-25, 11:11
Click for more information and download instructions
Star and lock symbols have a new look in version 4.9.1. I like the new stars and locks a lot, but I want to know what other people think.
So please let me know what you think by posting a reply or by sending me an e-mail ( Feedback on other aspects of 4.9.1 is also welcome.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2006-October-25, 11:41
I cant comment about the new look yet.
Posted 2006-October-25, 11:54
Do you notice that the locks have a 3D effect thats a lot more apparent now? Maybe more things, especially when mouseover can have a 3D effect? I think an easy way to create 3D effect is to add a grey shadow.
John Nelson.
Posted 2006-October-25, 11:58
I give the new stars a big plus, move to those
I give the new locks a modest approval, and could be swayed to prefer the old ones. For sure keep the lock with the white background on the pop up information box about tourneys, it makes it more apparent on that gray background.
Posted 2006-October-25, 12:15
The locks are fine.
Posted 2006-October-25, 12:43
after loading the new version, for the first time in 4 years, i had twice the problem with ''insufficent memory, should close...'' message... Could the new version be cause of this problem?
Posted 2006-October-25, 13:17
I do support the idea of updating the appearance of the interface every once in awhile just to keep it fresh.
Posted 2006-October-25, 13:24
Mcauley, on Oct 25 2006, 06:43 PM, said:
after loading the new version, for the first time in 4 years, i had twice the problem with ''insufficent memory, should close...'' message... Could the new version be cause of this problem?
Could be. I will investigate. Generally good idea to restart your computer when this happens and see if that makes a difference.
Do you see the error message immediately upon launching the application or does it happen when you have already been online for a while?
If the problem persists and you have any more details that might be useful, please let me know.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2006-October-25, 13:31
fred, on Oct 25 2006, 02:24 PM, said:
Mcauley, on Oct 25 2006, 06:43 PM, said:
after loading the new version, for the first time in 4 years, i had twice the problem with ''insufficent memory, should close...'' message... Could the new version be cause of this problem?
Could be. I will investigate. Generally good idea to restart your computer when this happens and see if that makes a difference.
Do you see the error message immediately upon launching the application or does it happen when you have already been online for a while?
If the problem persists and you have any more details that might be useful, please let me know.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
happened twice when i was playing in mbc...first cards color changed when i was bidding, then the message appeared... after i rebooted i didnt have any problem yet. will let you know if crash continues
Posted 2006-October-25, 14:55
Posted 2006-October-25, 15:30
When you do these updates, would it be possible not to overwrite bbover.ini? Some of us have customized that file for firewall traversal, etc., and it is just a little bit of a pain to have to re-edit it after an update.
Posted 2006-October-25, 20:04
Posted 2006-October-26, 05:38
I don't like the stars.
Posted 2006-October-26, 08:54

“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2006-October-26, 09:05
The locks I'm somewhat ambivalent about but I think they as well as better.
Posted 2006-October-26, 09:14

So many experts, not enough X cards.
Posted 2006-October-26, 11:20
Posted 2006-October-26, 12:24
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2006-October-27, 01:35
I also like the new locks better; they stand out less, but they are not very important information anyway (as they don't distinguish between a private club and an exclusion list of 3 people, as far as I can tell).
Posted 2006-October-27, 03:12
Bid em up " Hi Honey you have had your hair done, it looks beautiful"
Bid em up's wife "yes I had it done last year, ever wondered why you sleep in the spare room?"
beware look for the small changes otherwise life can be hell