What are your favorite pscych's??
Posted 2003-March-25, 05:48
Pard East YOU
1C DBL 1S <---- sometimes big club fit, weak, no real spades
3D DLB 3NT <--- willing to down 9 non-vul if they don't dbl
1S P 4C <--- splinter when not really a splinter hoping to get a non-club lead
Not vul versus vul
P - 1D - DBL <-- on bunch of junk trying to mislead declearer (I have a number of huge swings --both ways) with this one...a good one to try if behind in a imp match I think
P - P - 1NT <-- not vul with very weak and long suit.
Do you use any of these? What other type of psychic bids do you use ?
Finally, how many times would you have to use one of these bids before someone should alert. Should you self-alert that you "occassionally psych in this position??? Or should your partner send a private message if he is aware that you have a history of preempting in this specific situation, even if he is going to respond as if it was 100% normal bid?
Posted 2003-March-25, 11:37
Posted 2003-March-25, 11:44
Cute. But for sure your partner will have a few hearts and may want to raise the preempt if LHO bids 4S. But all in all, has a good chance to wreck havoc on opponents and to get your partner off to a great heart lead against a Spade contract by your LHO.
Posted 2003-March-25, 12:21
Posted 2003-March-26, 11:57
My favorite bluff is not first one, but SECOND! Good players will most of time recognize first but second...
Example ( playing precision ):
I have: xx,QJxxx,QJxx,xx
Bids ( both vul):
Partner Opp1 Me Opp2
1HE Dbl 1S! Pass
1NT Dbl 2DI! Pass
Pass Pass
2D was down 2, but Opp - 4S game
Posted 2003-March-26, 12:01
My favorite bluff is not first one, but SECOND! Good players will most of time recognize first but second...
Example ( playing precision ):
I have: xx,QJxxx,QJxx,xx
Bids ( both vul):
Partner Opp1 Me Opp2
1HE Dbl 1S! Pass
1NT Dbl 2DI! Pass
Pass Pass
2D was down 2, but Opp - 4S game
Misho, that is just plain EVIL.... lol......
A new one for my bag of tricks.. hope no one else reads this one, let's keep it just between us.
Posted 2003-March-30, 04:38
Other psychic silliness I use:
Pass partner's Multi 2D opening with a flat weak hand (say: Qxx-Kx-xxx-xxxxx)
Passing partner's Crash overcall of a strong club (or 2C) with just about any hand that can not seriously preempt.
Partner sends a message to the opponents telling them about our tendencies here. Somehow, this feels "better" than alerting the call when you really are bidding honestly.
Paul (guido online)
Posted 2003-March-30, 05:17
Which had the pleasant effect of opps going down in 3NT cold for 4S. Opps started in with the usual "what was 1S? how many spades did it promise? how often do you psyche?" Partner answered, "technically it's not a psyche, it's a tactical bid." I'm not sure I understand the difference...
Following on with that hand, partner had:
and led a low diamond instead of a spade. (His RHO was the one who bid NT over my spade) Could he be accused of fielding the psyche?
Posted 2003-March-30, 08:02
I think there is a big difference. A psyche being a gross exaggeration of you stregth and/or distribution. Many of which have been given above. A tatical bid is something to gain by an intentional mild misdiscription. Who hasn't opened 1D with xxx when holding AKJT of club in the hopes of discouraging a diamond lead when they rebid 1NT over partner's 1M reply?
1D-X-1S <---- a very popular "psyche" mentioned in first part of this thread. Your partner is quite wrong that this is a tatical bid, as you either promised 8+ and 5 spades. With three to dirt, this is a gross exaggeration, and is a clearly a pscyhe. Your opponents have every right to wonder "how often do you psyche" not in general, but his specific bid. I know several players who bid 1S almost automatically regardless of how many spades they hold, and their partners never, ever jump raise spades. Those players need to alert their opponents.
Guido comment "Partner sends a message to the opponents telling them about our tendencies here. Somehow, this feels "better" than alerting the call when you really are bidding honestly" is clearly how I would treat this situation. It just feels ugly alerting a bid that you frequently psyche when you have your bid... but if your partner is going to treat it as a possible psyche, or at least is well aware it is a frequent pcyhe, he should point this out.
Following on with that hand, partner had:
and led a low diamond instead of a spade. (His RHO was the one who bid NT over my spade) Could he be accused of fielding the psyche?
Have you or he/she ever used this psyche before? It not, don't worry about it. Your partner has reason to suspect that perhpas you psyched. You promised five+ spades and some points. Someone, somewhere has the heart suit and didn't bid it, hearts are not 5-3 or 4-4, so partner has some hearts. Your partner made a great guess that spades would not be a good lead.
If you have used this before, ethically this would be just too easy to catch, however. The important clue is your partner LEAD LOW from AJTxx, rather than J or T, when your SPADES are in theory behing the doubler's and his diamonds are in theory behind RHO. Also, his lack of a double of 3NT if this wsa Matchpoints might suggest a catch as well. After all, if you had 9 points or more for your bid, they bid 3NT on a 20 point hand with Spades presumably behind the doubler and diamonds behind the NT bidder.
Posted 2003-March-30, 10:42
A tactical bid is a deliberate misrepresentation of your hand that is either approved of by the powers that be or was made by an individual that the powers that be approve of. For example, despite the fact that Zia has a habit of systematically opening 1NT with balanced hands with 7-9 HCP when behind in a team match, this is not a systemic psyche because the ACBL approves of Zia.
A psyche is a is a deliberate misrepresentation of your hand that is not approved of by the powers that be OR was made by an individual that the powers that do no deliberately favor.
Posted 2003-March-31, 05:55
A psyche is a is a deliberate misrepresentation of your hand that is not approved of by the powers that be OR was made by an individual that the powers that do no deliberately favor.
What would happen if someone of whom the ACBL disapproves was playing in the same event as Zia, and they both made the same Tactical Bid/Psyche?
Posted 2003-March-31, 14:19
Below is a psych I made a couple months ago that I wrote up on rec.games.bridge to find out what other players might have done in my position. About 10 different calls were suggested, including natural calls in all four suits and NT!
Playing Basic SAYC on Bridge Base Online with a pickup partner:
EW vul, IMPs
West North East South
.........1 D......Pass.....?
You hold: AT9, -, AQ9742, T963
I didn't have any systemic call for this hand, since we were playing Basic SAYC. There isn't a forcing raise, no splinters, and 1S and 2C both misdescribe my hand to some degree. The opponents probably have a 9 card or better heart fit as well, given that my partner didn't open 1H. So, I called 1H to prevent the opponents from getting in, and to see what my partner would bid. Here's what happened:
West North East South
.........1 D......Pass.....1 H
Dbl......1 NT.....Pass.....5 D
All pass
Partner took 9 tricks for an average result
by the way, posting in fixed text isn't as easy as I hoped
Putting in the fixed flag, or changing the font to courier sort of helped, but yabb kept throwing away the spaces I was using. I finally ended up with an avalanche of periods >
Posted 2003-May-13, 03:01
2) More a funny story than a psyche
In a national tournament I recently held:
Ax, -, AJTxxxxx, xxx
In 1st position all vul I opened 1h :-)
Bidding followed
1h! P 2c
P 2d(1) P 2s(2)
P 3c P 3h(3)
P 3N(4) P 4c
P 4d P 4N
P 5h(5) P P
Dbl!! 6c!(6) P P
dbl(7) rdbl P P
(1) Completing the biggest canape ever seen
(2) Fourth suit forcing
(3) Oh, no problems
(4) Will I escape?
(5) If two aces are missing and he passes I'm dead
(6) Thanks a lot mr opp (we were playing 5h vul on Qxx and a void)
(7) (With AK of hearts and the cA)
Result: 6cxx making pd's hand:
KJx, Qxx, Kx, KQJTx
(heart lead ruffed, west asks if I opened 1h, I say I can't remeber, club to the K and Ace, east asks if I had opened 1h I say I can't remember but not likely on a void, heart ruffed in dummy and now pd returned to hand playing.... playing.... a diammond!!!! which held.)
Posted 2003-May-13, 11:34
QJT985432 4 765 9. I , being naive, bid 2H on my 3 small. I was down 7 (I had an Ace) for a top. I believe the powers that be have now outlawed this type of psych