A lead problem from the Autumn Nationals yesterday.
1C (P) 3C (P)
3D (P) 3H (P)
3S (P) 3NT (P)
1C was any 15+
3C showed any solid 7+ suit
3D asks how long
3H = some 8 carder
3S = any extras?
3NT = no!
Your lead?
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A lead problem
Posted 2003-May-19, 21:37
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.
Posted 2003-May-20, 03:51
lowest spade
Kind Regards
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2003-May-20, 03:58
The 1Cl bidder has sure 4 tricks in addition to the solid 8 cards of his partner. Leading Di or Cl to establish partners King as second trick seems not so probable since declarer will play the Ace, draw trumps and draw the winners in the other minor. For me the lead is definitely Sp. low Sp looks attractive, but I personally would lead the A in case opps are short of 2 Aces :-))))))
regards, Rado
regards, Rado
Posted 2003-May-20, 08:45
The bidding demmands a very agressive lead, after all declarer has a solid 8 card suit and dummy has 15+. Dummy might have KQJx, xx, AJxx, AKx for example and declarer x, AKQxxxxx, xx, xxx imagine a spade lead!.
A club can also work but can also be a disaster if dummy has AQJt of clubs and declarer is void. Or AQJx of clubs and declarer has a singleton.
A spade can work but:
a) Declarer can guess right anyway (he knows I know the sK is in dummy or pds hand)
I don't want to lead a low spade and find dummy with KQJx of spades. Declarer draw trumps and claims discarding his losing diammond in the sJ.
The bidding demmands a very agressive lead, after all declarer has a solid 8 card suit and dummy has 15+. Dummy might have KQJx, xx, AJxx, AKx for example and declarer x, AKQxxxxx, xx, xxx imagine a spade lead!.
A club can also work but can also be a disaster if dummy has AQJt of clubs and declarer is void. Or AQJx of clubs and declarer has a singleton.
A spade can work but:
a) Declarer can guess right anyway (he knows I know the sK is in dummy or pds hand)
The legend of the black octogon.
Posted 2003-May-20, 16:30
Low S is the winner.
Dummy has
Obviously I was hoping for the AS lead, else the thing is on a D hook. As I mentioned to Rado last night, we have now changed the response structure so that an immediate bid of the solid suit is an ask.
Incidentally partner said he would fly the K on a low S lead. I think he is a liar!
Dummy has
Obviously I was hoping for the AS lead, else the thing is on a D hook. As I mentioned to Rado last night, we have now changed the response structure so that an immediate bid of the solid suit is an ask.
Incidentally partner said he would fly the K on a low S lead. I think he is a liar!
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.
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