I am seeking an expert pair to take centre stage in my session in the Beginners/Intermediates Lounge next Monday at 7pm UK time (2pm Eastern).
Tonight we have had two beginners bidding 8 hands from a bidding competition. They scored 43/80.
Next week I should like an expert pair to bid the same hands to show the audience how it should be done! After each hand there is the opportunity to discuss the hand with the audience (and partner).
I also have the auctions of Lauria and Versace, so perhaps beating them will be the real challenge.
The only condition I will place on a pair is that they must be playing SAYC. For better or worse this is the system that most of the audience is playing and it will make a fairer comparison with this week, plus the audience will understand the bidding.
If you are interested, then please email or IM me. Unfortunately I only need one pair, but I'll post as soon as the position is filled.
Tonight's session lasted 90 minutes, mainly due to the "interesting" auctions that happened on some of the hands. I would expect an expert pair will get through the hands, and discussion, in something like 60 minutes.
Many thanks,
PS Of course, if Fred was free ... then I imagine he'll get the job :-)
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Expert pair needed for "Bidding Challenge"
Posted 2003-December-02, 18:20
if fred is free, be sure to let us know
... even if it *has* to be sayc, i'd still sit in to hear his thoughts

"Paul Krugman is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like." Newt Gingrich (paraphrased)
Posted 2003-December-02, 20:17
Drats, SAYC? No science, no Key Lime...you're breaking my heart! <wwwwaaaaahhhhhh>
"Champions aren't made in gyms, champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. " - M. Ali
Posted 2003-December-06, 03:23
I'm pleased to announce that Cascade and Shep will be taking part in the Bidding Challenge on Monday.
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