"On behalf of the co-winning team of the Bridge Olympics, we all wish to warmly thank BBO and the Total Points Club for hosting this event. We also are very grateful to the many people that actively took a part, either in the play or in simply watching this event, to have made it a rip-roaring happening.
I sincerely hope that this event becomes a fixture. I think for a first attempt the event went relatively smoothly, with minor problems that I am sure will be addressed. What made this event a success were the great numbers of people that made it happen. The spirit of play was for the most part, gentle, welcoming, and friendly. This is a testament to the many that made an effort to make this event a success.
Not only are we active members of the Abalucy Club, the best players that BBO has to offer, but also active members and mentors of the Beginning/Intermediate Lounge, where players want to be the best players they can be. Truly I feel that this win represents BOTH groups with distinguished acumen, diligence, and pride. I can sincerely say this is a win of "the people", and for that we are very, very honored.
Lastly, my sincere thanks to Gweny and staff - also to my teammates, who were simply clutch when it mattered, to the many competitors that like us gave it their all for the common goal, and the spectators that made sure everyone had a cheerleader. Well done indeed!"
Many thanks,
Dwayne Michael Hoffman
Team Australia
Gold Medalist - 2003 Bridge Olympics