Tomorrow is a holiday in the united states called Thanksgiving Day. Among the traditions we state what we are thankful for. So, here goes, I am thankful for Fred and Uday for creating a wonderful place for us to play bridge (I am thankful for a lot of other things too... but I will not list them all here).
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Posted 2003-November-26, 15:22
ditto (i still think we should start a 'fred gitelman, bridge man of the year' movement)
but i'll name a couple more things, while i'm here.. i'm thankful for my family, for the blessings i've received, for all that's gone into making me who i am... without even the bad things, i'd not be *me*... so i'm thankful for all of it
but i'll name a couple more things, while i'm here.. i'm thankful for my family, for the blessings i've received, for all that's gone into making me who i am... without even the bad things, i'd not be *me*... so i'm thankful for all of it
"Paul Krugman is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like." Newt Gingrich (paraphrased)
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