Playing 2/1 with a frequent forum poster you have few agreements beyond opening a bit lightish and responder inviting a bit heavy what is your rebid?
1S=1NT(could be 11 but not 12 or great 11)
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Your rebid?
Posted 2006-July-10, 16:07
I'd bid 2♣. This has several advantages:
(1) It's probably a better partial than 1NT, and partner can pass it.
(2) If partner has a maximum with some kind of club fit, he can raise.
While it's occasionally possible to miss a game this way, I think you will find most of the making ones while still keeping the auction low when partner is minimum.
(1) It's probably a better partial than 1NT, and partner can pass it.
(2) If partner has a maximum with some kind of club fit, he can raise.
While it's occasionally possible to miss a game this way, I think you will find most of the making ones while still keeping the auction low when partner is minimum.
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2006-July-10, 16:10
I would rebid a simple 2♣. I have a minimum 6-4 hand that is not suitable for NT play. I do not consider passing 1NT (or rebidding 2D) to be advisable. Admittedly, I could wind up playing in a 6-1 fit when we have a 5-3 fit in diamonds (a price for playing walsh). If partner has a good 10-11 per your system, there is nothing to stop P from taking a third bid. Describe your hand.
I am curious: what other rebid were you considering?
I am curious: what other rebid were you considering?
"That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!"
Posted 2006-July-10, 16:15
I think the hand is a little good for 2♣ inspite of the heart wastage. I think I'd try 3♣ at IMPs, but 2♣ at MPs.
"Phil" on BBO
Posted 2006-July-10, 21:09
13 HCP, nice distribution, but a void in PD's suit. 2C for me, all the way.
WTP ? .. neilkaz ..
WTP ? .. neilkaz ..
Posted 2006-July-11, 01:56
2♣. If QJ of spades were the king, I'd try 3♣. As it is I lack quick tricks to make 3NT a possibility.
By the way, pard can still raise to 3♣ if he has a fitting 11 count.
By the way, pard can still raise to 3♣ if he has a fitting 11 count.
Posted 2006-July-11, 03:51
I dont really care, what
responder has, I show were
I live.
With kind regards
PS: 3C is a overbid by at least
1 1/2 Ace, since it would be inv.
opposite 6-9, the usual range for
a 1NT response.
I dont really care, what
responder has, I show were
I live.
With kind regards
PS: 3C is a overbid by at least
1 1/2 Ace, since it would be inv.
opposite 6-9, the usual range for
a 1NT response.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
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