hrothgar, on Jul 10 2006, 06:56 AM, said:
Playing standard methods you don't have many options to North's 2♠ raise...
(I think that 3♠ is a dreadful overbid)
From South's perspective, North could have been sitting on
♠ KJx
♥ AKxxx
♦ xx
♣ Qxx
For what its worth, I think that these questions are spoiled somewhat when folks see both hands before recommending "obvious" bids...
Richard, you are exactly correct on one point, and oddly totally wrong on another.
From North's perspective, south COULD have the dreadful hand you showed for 2
♠, (or even slightly worse perhaps, see below). But then this IS the problem with the simple 2
♠ range if, as you say, 3
♠ with this "monster" south (compared to the hand you showed) is not allowed.
Leaving on the sideline the Kaplan Inversion (where 1H-1NT shows 5+ spades), even after 1H-1S, opener needs ways to seperate "good raises" from the crap hand you showed, even in standard. Coming to your rescue is bids like Gazzilli or some form of forcing raise.
However, even without those (which I have both), this south hand is wonderful in support of spades. It has a ZAR count of 34 (with fit points).. .that is, 13 hcp, 4 control points, 13 distributional points, and 4 fit points = 34 zar points. Now, no matter what you think of ZAR points, this is much better hand than the 13 hcp it appears to be. ZAR points suggest it is TWO FULL levels better than a minimum openeing bid with a four card spade suit (which only needs 25 ZAR points). So 3
♠ is hardly a "dreadful overbid." In fact, the way I play, the jump to 3
♠ on a silent auction like this shows 29 to 32 ZARS, so in fact, 3
♠ is a tiny underbid. This is probably why, for instance, some suggest a jump to 4
♠. Perhaps 29 ZARS is too light for the jump to 3
♠ for you and it needs to be stretched a little bit, but if you but the lower limit to 30, or 31, even 32, this hand is worth significantly more than any of those. In fact, 3
♠ is a GREAT bid for this hand if nothing else in your methods is suitable (gazzilli, splinter, etc).
As for this hand, playing 1H-1S-2S, south has to have a great imagination to envision slam. Heck, give partner, S-KJxxx H-KJTxx D-Kx C-JTX for instance, and they take 3
♣ and a
♥ and you can not even make 4
1♥ 1♠
2♠ 4♠