We are playing in the Bracket I KO's in Long Beach. The bracket is pretty strong but there are no pro teams. We squeak out of the round robin and face one of the three strongest teams in the bracket in the quarterfinals. Bad break getting them this early.
Everything that can go wrong does. Your partner goes down in a flat cold contract on the 2nd board and doesn't count the hand right on the 7th. You make a sensible lead that doesn't work out on the 11th. Your opponents are flat brilliant. They are bidding very thin games that come home, staying out of good games that don't make, etc.. You figure you are stuck about 30 when board 16 (final of 1st half) hits. You get to 7♥ on the following layout:
Scoring: IMP
Your bidding revealed a 6 card solid heart suit, and not much else. The opening lead is a small ♥ and you beat the 9 with your 10 in hand.
Plan the Play.
As another exercise, plan the play on a spade lead.