I've been thinking about this one off and on for 12 hours now. I had my Blackberry during the "Davinci Code" last night, so there was plenty of time to think about things other than the movie.
I agree 100% with Frances that the most effective way to play spades is the Q from hand. If we are banking on 3 hearts, 3 clubs, 1 diamond and one spade, not drawing trump could be costly. The only way we can't make a single spade trick is when RHO holds AKxx or Hxxx, which is very negligible given RHO holds 6 clubs. So the need to ruff a spade is illusory.
If LHO ruffs a club from xxx or Hxx, we have an easy make, since a spade ruff in dummy will be forthcoming.
So, my first reaction to the hand was to play A
♥, low
If we play a spade first and east wins and plays another club, we will try to take the pitch on the diamond first before playing another spade anyway. If we don't, theres a big chance we'll lose 3 spades, a diamond and two trump.
My biggest concern about not drawing trump is losing an unnecessary club ruff to LHO who might hold xx in trump.