The WBF's Anti-doping policy
Posted 2006-June-22, 11:26

Posted 2006-June-22, 11:31
John Nelson.
Posted 2006-June-22, 12:58
keylime, on Jun 22 2006, 11:53 AM, said:
Yes, that is my point, if we think it may enhance our performance we will take it. In fact we are taking "it"
Never mind if it really does enhance performance or if it has side effects such as death.
The cat is out of the bag and is not going back in. In fact I bet my generation soon starts yelling for faster drug development not less.
Spinal Injuries
Heart and Stroke medicine
Heck even take antibalding or antiwrinkle stuff, is there a market for that stuff?
People will give their kids more chemicals not less in the future,,,that is the role model. In fact we already give our kids more chemicals than 100 or 50 years ago, case closed.
Posted 2006-June-22, 13:07
The next step will be banning computers worn in our clothing. Can implants in our bodies be far behind, No. We already have computer implants for the deaf to hear.
Do you really think we will have fewer chip implants in our bodies in the next 40 years?
With chip implants to locate lost dogs and cars, will chip implants to locate lost children be that far behind? Will surgery to remove the implants be a booming business?
Posted 2006-June-22, 13:41
Rain, on Jun 22 2006, 12:31 PM, said:
No but how about "tender jesting"?
Posted 2006-June-22, 13:57
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2006-June-22, 20:38
Posted 2006-June-23, 01:02
Seriously though, I have heard rumours of top players taking substances to improve their concentration/steady their nerves. Maybe the IOC doping list doesn't precisely cover the needs of the WBF - if not, make one that does.
If a player has to take something to steady himself so that he doesn't lose the plot in the Final of the World championship, isn't that cheating? I think so. Drug testing please.
If a player is unfit and lacks stamina but takes stimulants to improve his concentration, isn't that cheating? I think so. Drug testing please.
Getting fit to play and psychologically preparing yourself to deal with situations that may arise is called training. Drugs and other substances are called cheating.
One harsh fact is that a lot of top bridge players are physical wrecks. I wonder what percentage performance improvement they would get by sorting themselves out by going down the gym and cutting out the booze, fags and pork pies. IF Bridge ever wanted to call itself a sport and claim a place at the top table in the Olympics, I would like to see athletes worth the description. Drugs are always a short cut to improved performance.
Posted 2006-June-23, 01:39
Rain, on Jun 22 2006, 07:31 PM, said:
Could be. Sex tests have been used in other sports, maybe because some testosteron-doped female athletes appeared suspiciously masculine. Not sure what such a test constitues, though. In countries with a French legal code, I suppose the criteria is that a person is registered as female, which would leave a clinical test obsolete. In countries with a Britisch legal code, it is less obvious (there are some intersexuals and transsexuals in the UK that have one sex in their birth certificate and another in their passport because different authorities use different criteria). Does IOC have its own sex definition or does it respect the choices made by member organizations? Is WBF in line with IOC in this respect?
Posted 2006-June-23, 04:49
Posted 2006-June-23, 07:00
You would only be banned from the pole vault.
Posted 2006-June-23, 07:08
I would not be playing polevault or bridge, I think my game would be Brag

Posted 2006-June-23, 07:48
helene_t, on Jun 22 2006, 12:45 PM, said:
barmar, on Jun 22 2006, 05:37 PM, said:
I disagree. It's not the job of IOC to say what makes a good role model. Different cultures have different norms and IOC is an international organization.
I addressed that in my comment that they presumably use a concensus decision rather than least common denominator. The members of the IOC include representatives from these different cultures.