Over Their 4C
Posted 2006-June-20, 20:10
You have AJ-A9xx-AK10xxx-K. Pd has xxxx-KQ10xx-QJx-x.
Red slams are cold. 3 out of 16 bid slam (all 6H). We were in 4H, -1.0 IMP. I have no regrets, but...
Would you have done better at the table?
Posted 2006-June-21, 01:25
4♣ - 4♦ - pass? - 4♥
pass - 5♥ - pass - 6♥
but I'm not convinced by my auction

Posted 2006-June-21, 02:23
Posted 2006-June-21, 02:29
Posted 2006-June-21, 06:57
That's what I did.
"If pd bid 4H then you can find 6H."
Ah, there's the rub. You have forced pd to bid, your CK is very likely worthless (it was), and even 4H is tough opposite the wrong dummy.
Would you bid 5H?
Posted 2006-June-21, 12:46
Posted 2006-June-21, 14:27
4C -x-4H-All Pass
Plus good, minus bad....
Posted 2006-June-22, 01:35
pbleighton, on Jun 21 2006, 12:57 PM, said:
That's what I did.
"If pd bid 4H then you can find 6H."
Ah, there's the rub. You have forced pd to bid, your CK is very likely worthless (it was), and even 4H is tough opposite the wrong dummy.
Would you bid 5H?
I think I will bid 5C over 4H. 5H over 4H asks pd to bid on if he has club control. That is not my concern here.
HOwever I saw the hand, so I cannot claim this is unbiased.
Btw, I wouldnot worry too much if we miss this slam after opp's preempt.
Posted 2006-June-22, 02:25
Posted 2006-June-22, 10:50
I wouldn't fault anyone for bidding these hands either way, the more conservative type will settle for 4D, believing that bidding at this level already shows a pretty good hand - the doublers are just as right in their methods, as they are allowed to compete more fiercely with less hand and distributional values.
I'd chalk it up as "one of those deals" and go on to the next hand. I've found that many times in K.O. events that the result of a hand like this "feels" like a loss but turns out to be a push so the best thing to do is put it aside and concentrate fully on the next hand.
Posted 2006-June-22, 16:24

where ????=pass most of the time.
On some reflection, partner might have bid 5♣ to show an extra good diamond raise. That will do it for me:
One lesson to be considered here is the folly of making a take out double at the four level without spades. It works OK some of the time, but the room for a BAD accident is really there, and you don't need it. Unless, of course, you think you need a system that allows you to reach 6♥ instead of 6♦ after a 4♣ preempt. There ain't no such system.
Posted 2006-June-22, 16:48
It's fine with this hand, as it is good enough to bid 5D over 4S.
Posted 2006-June-22, 17:01
pbleighton, on Jun 22 2006, 05:48 PM, said:
It's fine with this hand, as it is good enough to bid 5D over 4S.
Yes that is the main debate on this hand it seems, bid your longest suit and try for slam and risk playing 4D or x and rebid 5d over 4s and settle for game...not easy and good points on both sides of the issue. I just do not think either side has brought any more clarity to the discusion yet.....
Posted 2006-July-03, 01:45
The hand is good enough for dbl-then-rebid,I think.
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