Opponent declares 3NT. You play Lavinthal discards.
You lead a club and this kills declarer's only stopper (that becomes pretty obvoius), so your clubs become cashable.
Declarer runs high diamonds and good discarding is necessary.
In these circumstances what means:
1) high spade then low spade,
2) low heart then high heart.
Explain. TY.
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A Lavinthal problem How do you play it?
Posted 2006-May-26, 01:20
Certainly there are situations when I would not signal here, either because partner is unlikely to get in, or because I think declarer has to guess amongst several lines and is more likely to go wrong if I don't help.
However, assuming I am actively signalling, playing lavinthal:
High spade then low spade = signal for ♥, the highest side suit
High heart then low heart = signal for ♠, the highest side suit
Low heart then high heart = signal for ♣; tends to deny a ♠ card, may or may not have anything in ♥.
Low spade then high spade = signal for ♣, tends to deny a ♥ card, may or may not have anything in ♠.
However, assuming I am actively signalling, playing lavinthal:
High spade then low spade = signal for ♥, the highest side suit
High heart then low heart = signal for ♠, the highest side suit
Low heart then high heart = signal for ♣; tends to deny a ♠ card, may or may not have anything in ♥.
Low spade then high spade = signal for ♣, tends to deny a ♥ card, may or may not have anything in ♠.
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2006-May-26, 02:39
As you mentioned, you play lavinthal. No ambiguity there, you just show where your entry is using that method. High means the highest remaining suit. High ♠ asks ♥. No fancy crap, you play lavinthal...
"It may be rude to leave to go to the bathroom, but it's downright stupid to sit there and piss yourself" - blackshoe
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