I find it amusing that there was a marked shift towards 1N after Fred posted his view that it was automatic
However, I am not suggesting that the subsequent posters were influenced by that post, since I had decided on 1N before reading the other suggestions
To me, 1N is virtually automatic: it right-sides the contract on so many hands, and we can take some (small) inference that partner has 3 or 4
♥ since RHO did not raise. We are, of course, dreaming of Qxx in partner's hand.
Once the opener bids 2
♥, 2N can logically (I think) be either natural or a lebensohl-like move, asking balancer to bid 3
♣, likely to be passed, given my minor suit shape, or competitive with both minors. There will be hands on which any of these would be useful....
One can argue relative frequency of use and cost/benefit of the methods, but it seems to me that if one has NOT discussed this sequence (and only experienced partnerships are at all likely to have done so) then it should be treated as natural, and invitational: not because I think that that is the most viable treatment, but because of my belief that whenever an untried partnership encounters this type of situation, having the 'agreement', whether explicit or tacit, that any ambiguous bid be natural is easiest.
I actually happen to have, in a couple of partnerships, the agreement that 2N as a form of lebensohl is the default meaning in competitive situations, but that is an exlicit agreement, and not one I would mentally impose upon a partner without discussion.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari