The other day sitting south I pick up this hand
S AQ7432
H Void
C A2
and the bidding proceeded thus :-
s w n e
1S P 3S P
How should I continue as i have a feeling here that slam is possible sitting opposite as little as DA - SK
should I cue my CA ? hoping partner can cue D ?
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how should I continue?
Posted 2003-November-14, 01:49
What does 3S mean? But yes, a 4C cue bid is a good start. If pd bids 4D you could bid 5H voidwood. I would now be looking for 7.
If 3S is 0-6 as some play, just bid 4S as pd cannot have the A of D & the K of S
If 3S is 0-6 as some play, just bid 4S as pd cannot have the A of D & the K of S
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.
Posted 2003-November-14, 06:56
Exactly: start with 4C cuebid. But I think not many beginners will play voidwood...
"It may be rude to leave to go to the bathroom, but it's downright stupid to sit there and piss yourself" - blackshoe
Posted 2003-November-14, 13:06
S AQ7432
H Void
C A2
s w n e
1S P 3S P
should I cue my CA ? hoping partner can cue D ?
H Void
C A2
s w n e
1S P 3S P
should I cue my CA ? hoping partner can cue D ?
Hi Geof,
As you can see from the responses so far, the cue-your-club ace is a clear winner. But since this is posted in the Beginner discussion group, let's cover the various options and why.
First, the assumption here is that 3S is a normal "limit raise". Many people have moved to 3S being very weak, four card raise and less than limit (see The_hog's post), but let's ignore that for this discussion.
So First, why not just bid 4NT as Roman Key Card Blackwood right now? The answer is the heart void. If your partner has the heart ACE as his only key card, you will be off the Diamond ACE and SPADE King, so the slam will be AT BEST, 50% (find the spade KING).
There are two solutions to this "heart ACE" not being such a useful key card. The standard way is to start a cue-bidding sequence. When you cue-bid 4C, your partner should cue-bid the diamond ACE if he has it. Thus, the safest way to find out about the diamond ace is to bid 4C.
A second option, is to bid an immediate 5H. This would be a convention known as "exclusion key card blackwood". Your partner would count his keycards outside of hearts, and bid 5S with 0 or 3, 5NT with 1 or 4, etc. This second method gets you to 6S if your partner has the Diamond ACE or the SPADE KING.
If your partner bids 4D over 4C, you can then either jump to 5H as RKCB to find out about the spade king, or continue someother way to sure slam. Howver, if your partner bids 4H (instead of 4D), now you simply can use normal blackwood, knowing you are off the diamond ace. If partner shows 1 keycard, play him for Heart ACE, and no spade king, and stop in 5S. If he shows two keycards, you know diamond ACE is missing, so stop in 6S.
Posted 2003-November-15, 05:30
The other day sitting south I pick up this hand
S AQ7432
H Void
C A2
and the bidding proceeded thus :-
s w n e
1S P 3S P
How should I continue as i have a feeling here that slam is possible sitting opposite as little as DA - SK
should I cue my CA ? hoping partner can cue D ?
S AQ7432
H Void
C A2
and the bidding proceeded thus :-
s w n e
1S P 3S P
How should I continue as i have a feeling here that slam is possible sitting opposite as little as DA - SK
should I cue my CA ? hoping partner can cue D ?
If I were playing sophisticated methods whereby I could show my void Heart then I would do that, because 7S is a live possibility.
Otherwise, I would just blast 6S and not give the defense any clues.
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