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Bidding Question...
Posted 2003-November-11, 11:59
No-one Vul : Dealer S
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
Hi All,
A few questions over the bidding (playing ACOL weak NT) here:-
Sitting South I passed, opps open 1C , ptr bids 1D, RHO bids 1H?, I bid 1NT, (P - 3D - 3H - P - 4D - all pass)
Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
Question 4 : Are there any good websites/notes on responding to DBL/Overcalls ...
Steve K
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
Hi All,
A few questions over the bidding (playing ACOL weak NT) here:-
Sitting South I passed, opps open 1C , ptr bids 1D, RHO bids 1H?, I bid 1NT, (P - 3D - 3H - P - 4D - all pass)
Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
Question 4 : Are there any good websites/notes on responding to DBL/Overcalls ...
Steve K
Posted 2003-November-11, 13:07
No-one Vul : Dealer S
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
Hi All,
A few questions over the bidding (playing ACOL weak NT) here:-
Sitting South I passed, opps open 1C , ptr bids 1D, RHO bids 1H?, I bid 1NT, (P - 3D - 3H - P - 4D - all pass)
Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
Question 4 : Are there any good websites/notes on responding to DBL/Overcalls ...
Steve K
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
Hi All,
A few questions over the bidding (playing ACOL weak NT) here:-
Sitting South I passed, opps open 1C , ptr bids 1D, RHO bids 1H?, I bid 1NT, (P - 3D - 3H - P - 4D - all pass)
Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
Question 4 : Are there any good websites/notes on responding to DBL/Overcalls ...
Steve K
Hi Steve,
1) I think that once you decided not to open the south hand when pd overcalls 1d over 1c and RHO bids 1h you have to let pd know you have a super-maximum. Everybody is bidding so pd will have some problems sorting out who can make what. So I think your bid is 2c an unassuming cuebid showing a maximum passed hand. Now pd will be free to bid 2s and you can bid 4s without any complication.
2) I think 1NT is wrong but had it been right transfers don't apply.
3) Depends a lot on style, I'd have opened 1c with the south hand for example generally speaking constructive bidding is better when you open than when you overcall so any borderline hand I see I open it.
4) I don't know but when you have a maximum passed hand use a cuebid. A cuebid of responder generally shows a legitimate suit (expose a psyche) a cuebid of opener shows an unassuming maximum hand. Let pd know what you have, use the bid that transmits more information to pd.
The legend of the black octogon.
Posted 2003-November-11, 13:35
Luis as usual has a sophisticated reply. For a naive reply, see the following 
Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
Negative double - show your major!
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
Transfers are off in competition.
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
Two answers -
a) I agree with Luis that this is an opening hand.
If you don't open it:

Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
Negative double - show your major!
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
Transfers are off in competition.
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
Two answers -
a) I agree with Luis that this is an opening hand.

Posted 2003-November-11, 13:56
No-one Vul : Dealer S
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
Hi Steve,
Several funny things happened here. Let's start with the funny business by your opponents. East made a presumably forcing 1H call (since you didn't mention an alert) with a four card suit and only 4hcp as an unpassed hand and WEST with four card support, a "sound" opening bid, and good distribution choose to pass instead of raising or hitting 1NT. That was suspeciously odd.
Second, your partner with a nice two suited hand choose not to show the nature of his hand. This day and age we use two suited over calls. It is true if you play normal michaels (2C shows majors) and normal unusual (2NT shows the reds), you are somewhat stuck on this one. You might want to consider "top michaels" where cue-bid shows the highest suit (in this case spades) and another along with unusual unusual where 2NT shows the middle suit (in this case hearts) plus one more (can be spades or diamonds). Thus, on this hand it would have gone 1C-2C and you found your spade fit immediately.
Next, over 1H you don't have to be in a hurry, assuming 1H is "forcing". You can pass and you will get a chance to bid again. I assume the bidding would go 1C-1D-1H-P; 2H-2S-P-? now you have found your spade fit. I am fond of the pass with this hand, as the auction is not going to die here. And if WEST raises hearts and partner is short in hearts (as we would then suspect), he can make a takeout double with 4S and long diamonds or if he rebids diamonds, we can now come out of the woodwork.
Next funny bid is over your 1NT when your partner's jump to 3D, ignoring the opportunity to bid 2S, which would show long diamonds and a spade suit. Once again you would have found your fit.
Now to your specific questions
"Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
You may want to consider SNAPDRAGON double here. Where a double by you shows 4+ spades and at least a tolerance for diamonds, while a 1S bid would show 4+ spades without a diamond tolerance. I wouldn't waste 1S versus dbl to show the difference between 4 and 5 spades, because the more important issue is likely to be whether or not you have a diamond tolerance.
A negative double after partner's overcall is typically termed a "responsive double" rather than negative double. With only one unbid suit, the responsive double is not so helpful here. Most people play responsive double a) after partner's takeout double and RHO bids, or

Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
I don't think so. I think 2S over 1NT would show very good 4S+ and longer diamonds. But I guess you can agree to play jacoby on this auction if you really wanted to, but that would not be standard.
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
To begin with, I would not pass. You have 11 hcp and two four card suits. By rule of 20, that is only 19. But you have both ten's in your long suit. So this is worth 1 point, and you have no demerits for doubleton or singleton minor honors. So even not playing weak NT I would open 1C. Playing weak NT, I would open 1NT (especially given the vul). After your hand opens 1NT and a spade fit is found, I assume you will easily reach game.
Now, how to bid given your initial conservative pass? After the 1H bid, your spade suit isn't quite good enough for a free 1S bid, and given 1H is (presumably forcing), I like pass. I expect the auction to be...
4S-all pass
(instead of 4S, I might give partner a chance to pass short of game with a 3H cue-bid, of course he bids 4S himself).
Question 4 : Are there any good websites/notes on responding to DBL/Overcalls ...
Glad you asked... got a few weeks to study? Go to Dan Neil's page and download the Robson/Segal "notes" in pdf format. Dan's page is at:
Posted 2003-November-11, 15:07
Hi Steve
"Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
1S for me shows 4+ cards but 7/9 pts. 1NT no 4 cards spade but 7/9 pts. Then... with max of pass and tolerance for p's overcall the right bid is 2C. DBL shows all remaining balanced hands without 4 spades or value in opp's colours. The situation is very different if RHO bid at 2 level, in that case DBL is T/O but doesn't promise 4 spade and 2 spades shoes 5/+ cards.
I dont agree with waiting pass in this situation 'couse could be hard after p 1C 1D 1H p 2H p p, to show the hand (DBL is penaltly, 3diamonds competitive, 2Spades weak 5/+, 3Clubs natural, 3Hearts ? ). The chance that p bid 2Spades is only for this hand (but why he didnt bid at the table, instead of 3D?) -The question is about your bid not p's bid, but 3D was a mistake, better 2S-
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
NO !!!
In this auction (p 1C 1D 1H - 1NT p 2H shows a very good overcall and ask for sure stop in H)
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
[td]2Clubs[/td][td](2Hearts) [/td][td]2Spades [/td][td]pass[/td]
[td]3Hearts(*) [/td][td]pass[/td][td]4Spades[/td][td]end[/td]
(*) trial
Question 4 : Are there any good websites/notes on responding to DBL/Overcalls ...
Sorry dont know
pino ricci
"Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
1S for me shows 4+ cards but 7/9 pts. 1NT no 4 cards spade but 7/9 pts. Then... with max of pass and tolerance for p's overcall the right bid is 2C. DBL shows all remaining balanced hands without 4 spades or value in opp's colours. The situation is very different if RHO bid at 2 level, in that case DBL is T/O but doesn't promise 4 spade and 2 spades shoes 5/+ cards.
I dont agree with waiting pass in this situation 'couse could be hard after p 1C 1D 1H p 2H p p, to show the hand (DBL is penaltly, 3diamonds competitive, 2Spades weak 5/+, 3Clubs natural, 3Hearts ? ). The chance that p bid 2Spades is only for this hand (but why he didnt bid at the table, instead of 3D?) -The question is about your bid not p's bid, but 3D was a mistake, better 2S-
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
NO !!!

In this auction (p 1C 1D 1H - 1NT p 2H shows a very good overcall and ask for sure stop in H)
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
[td]2Clubs[/td][td](2Hearts) [/td][td]2Spades [/td][td]pass[/td]
[td]3Hearts(*) [/td][td]pass[/td][td]4Spades[/td][td]end[/td]
(*) trial
Question 4 : Are there any good websites/notes on responding to DBL/Overcalls ...
Sorry dont know
pino ricci
Posted 2003-November-11, 16:09
No-one Vul : Dealer S
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
Ben has given a very thorough answer, but here is my view on this.
I don't mind the pass in first seat.
Agree with Ben that your pd should bid some 2 suited overcall to show the nature of the hand
I don't mind your 1N bid. You have lots of holes in your hand and no D fit. These days partners strive to overcall on pretty much any decent suit, so 1N may well be the limit of the hand. A 2C cue bid here should show a max passed hand and a fit. If you ar playing Snapdragon xs, thats fine here.
Why on earth your pd did not bid S at his next turn I don't know. In answer to your question as to whether a H bid would have been a transfer - "No". It would have shown a solid 6-7 card D suit and been asking you how robust your H stopper was.
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
Ben has given a very thorough answer, but here is my view on this.
I don't mind the pass in first seat.
Agree with Ben that your pd should bid some 2 suited overcall to show the nature of the hand
I don't mind your 1N bid. You have lots of holes in your hand and no D fit. These days partners strive to overcall on pretty much any decent suit, so 1N may well be the limit of the hand. A 2C cue bid here should show a max passed hand and a fit. If you ar playing Snapdragon xs, thats fine here.
Why on earth your pd did not bid S at his next turn I don't know. In answer to your question as to whether a H bid would have been a transfer - "No". It would have shown a solid 6-7 card D suit and been asking you how robust your H stopper was.
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.
Posted 2003-November-12, 02:08
Imo, if you play weak 1NT, you open 1NT here, or else 1C. You have a 'good' 11HCP, -7LTC, and 4 Spades, everything you ever wanted. But since you descided not to open, I'll leave it to that.
I think I'd personally bid 2C (in stead of 1D) directly after 1C, showing a 2-suited hand. Normally this shows Hearts and Spades, but if partner bids 2H, you correct and bid 4D, showing a nice hand with Spades and Diamonds. If you bid 2S, I'll bid 4C as splinter or 4S to play. This ofcourse need good partnership understanding about 2-suiters...
After p-1C-1D-1H-? I'd also bid 1NT. You're not obligated to speak, so you show a maximum passed hand without a 3-card fit and with stops. If you have a Diamond-fit, I'd double to show Spades, but now your partner doesn't have a possibility to run away.
After p-1C-1D-1H-1NT-p-? I think your partner should at least bid 2S: reverse and strong enough. The bidding as you started would become:
p 1C 1D 1H
1NT p 2S p
4S all pass or a crazy double
Imo, if you play weak 1NT, you open 1NT here, or else 1C. You have a 'good' 11HCP, -7LTC, and 4 Spades, everything you ever wanted. But since you descided not to open, I'll leave it to that.
I think I'd personally bid 2C (in stead of 1D) directly after 1C, showing a 2-suited hand. Normally this shows Hearts and Spades, but if partner bids 2H, you correct and bid 4D, showing a nice hand with Spades and Diamonds. If you bid 2S, I'll bid 4C as splinter or 4S to play. This ofcourse need good partnership understanding about 2-suiters...
After p-1C-1D-1H-? I'd also bid 1NT. You're not obligated to speak, so you show a maximum passed hand without a 3-card fit and with stops. If you have a Diamond-fit, I'd double to show Spades, but now your partner doesn't have a possibility to run away.
After p-1C-1D-1H-1NT-p-? I think your partner should at least bid 2S: reverse and strong enough. The bidding as you started would become:
p 1C 1D 1H
1NT p 2S p
4S all pass or a crazy double
"It may be rude to leave to go to the bathroom, but it's downright stupid to sit there and piss yourself" - blackshoe
Posted 2003-November-12, 17:12
No-one Vul : Dealer S
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
Hi All,
A few questions over the bidding (playing ACOL weak NT) here:-
Sitting South I passed, opps open 1C , ptr bids 1D, RHO bids 1H?, I bid 1NT, (P - 3D - 3H - P - 4D - all pass)
Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
Question 4 : Are there any good websites/notes on responding to DBL/Overcalls ...
Steve K
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
Hi All,
A few questions over the bidding (playing ACOL weak NT) here:-
Sitting South I passed, opps open 1C , ptr bids 1D, RHO bids 1H?, I bid 1NT, (P - 3D - 3H - P - 4D - all pass)
Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
Question 4 : Are there any good websites/notes on responding to DBL/Overcalls ...
Steve K
hi steve...
1) double IF it's negative in your system OR if it shows up to, say, 11 or so hcp
2) i don't play xfers here, tho some do
3) i'd have opened 1NT any day of the week.. range is 14-16 if vulnerable
4) yeah, what ben said

(by edit, someone asked me how the bidding would go if i opened 1NT)
it depends on what LHO does... if X, pard's bid are defined.. pass is forcing for a redouble, but with his hand he'd rdbl himself... that shows 2 suited hand without hearts... if LHO passes (which i doubt), pard would bid 3S forcing, unbalanced game force... if LHO bids a suit, pard would try to show some 2 suited hand if possible, else double... in this sequence, 2 and 3 level bids by pard are negative free bids, double is normal negative OR game force somewhere, 1 level bids are one round forces
"Paul Krugman is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like." Newt Gingrich (paraphrased)
Posted 2003-November-14, 02:51
Playing ACOL I would open 1NT. But doesn't matter.
After (1C) - 1D - (1H) your 1NT is OK. It shows [9-11] with good stoppers. I don't like 2C 'cause this bid would imply little more in diamonds and little less in their suits. Spades are to weak to be introduced.
After opener failed to bid 2H, a clear mistake, your partner has to rebid 2S, showing a good two-suited hand. He has only 4 LT and you are showing a constructive hand. You bid 4S and that's it!
After (1C) - 1D - (1H) your 1NT is OK. It shows [9-11] with good stoppers. I don't like 2C 'cause this bid would imply little more in diamonds and little less in their suits. Spades are to weak to be introduced.
After opener failed to bid 2H, a clear mistake, your partner has to rebid 2S, showing a good two-suited hand. He has only 4 LT and you are showing a constructive hand. You bid 4S and that's it!

Posted 2003-November-14, 10:19
There is a convention I play whereby a jump to 3C shows the other two suits, highest and lowest. Thus I possess the ability to show exactly where my two suits are, by using either a Michael's (two highest), Unusual NT (two lowest, or a 3C jump (other two). I much prefer this than a weak jump overcall in clubs, although by partnership agreement a 2C overcall could be more distributional based rather than point count based, and with a 7 card suit we go to the 4 level.
Posted 2003-November-14, 17:05
No-one Vul : Dealer S
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
Hi All,
A few questions over the bidding (playing ACOL weak NT) here:-
Sitting South I passed, opps open 1C , ptr bids 1D, RHO bids 1H?, I bid 1NT, (P - 3D - 3H - P - 4D - all pass)
Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
Question 4 : Are there any good websites/notes on responding to DBL/Overcalls ...
Steve K
S K Q 6 3 2
H 7 4
D K Q J 7 6 2
C Void
West East
S A 9 S J 7
H J T 8 5 H A 6 3 2
D A 4 C T 8 3
C K J 7 6 5 D 9 8 4 2
S T 8 5 4
H K Q 9
D 9 5
C A Q T 3
Hi All,
A few questions over the bidding (playing ACOL weak NT) here:-
Sitting South I passed, opps open 1C , ptr bids 1D, RHO bids 1H?, I bid 1NT, (P - 3D - 3H - P - 4D - all pass)
Question 1:- Over an overcall should 1S by South me show / 5+ cards so is 1NT ok (9-11 stopsl in both suits I hope) or should I dbl as a negative X showing 4 cards in spades?
Question 2:- Over the 1NT would 2H by North be a transfer to spades showing 5 and thereby showing the 6D-5S shape?
Question 3: How would everyone bid this board...
Question 4 : Are there any good websites/notes on responding to DBL/Overcalls ...
Steve K
There are a whole family of questions about this hand, ;D.
I play 12-14NT, but always reserve the right to count two 10s as a point or not. Given the "feel" of South's hand... I want to open 1NT, so two 10s do count.
As to North's overcall? YEUK!
I look at that hand and... we are probably playing in 4S or 5D: what is the quickest way to show that?
I don't play Michaels; as North I would bid 2C, if P bids 2H I "correct" to 2S. IMO, the cue is too useful to restrict to "the two highest".
"I know that there is only one power worth having. That is the power, not to take, but to accept; not to have, but to give."
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