Pass 100% forcing
I knew most people wouldnt play forcing pass here but im sure theyre wrong and its not a close decision at all.
No way this is forcing, I showed an opener and partner showed a distributional hand that could contain 0 HCP.
This is where they get it wrong your partner 4
♥ bid mean and can only mean 1 thing ... he think you have a fair shot of making 4H. red vs red hes surely not taking a sac over 4
♣ nor setting a sac over 5
♣ Anyway this is IMPs nobody is thinking about sac over 5 in a minor.
So if your partner think you have a fair shot at 4
♥ then you must play forcing pass because he could have values only for the 3 level but took the push cause he felt that it could make but he could easily have 5 level value and took the conservative approach.
If they make 5
♣ X (unlikely IMHO) then so what...its only 150 pts ? its so much more important to aim for the 650 instead of 200 or to avoid the -100 instead of collecting 200 or 500. Forcing pass is the most important tool for 5 level decision how can you live without it ??
Most people will tell you
in doubt there is not forcing pass....
what i suggest you is in doubt its forcing pass.
Anyway once you aknowledge that parter is expecting you to make 4h then ---the forcing pass is on--- become obvious.
Now is it pass or X
i think its fairly obvious for everybody that your opponent have 11+ trumps. You know you partner is probably void and your partner know you have a doubleton or a stiff. So how can you guide him in making the right decision ... At first it might make sense to x with 2 and pass with 1 clubs but since i have a full fledge opening bid and a 6th heart and the penalty inst going to be juicy ... ill pass and im expecting partner to bid 5h most of the time.
if partner has a weakish 8pts and a clubs void and decide to pass despite that its a probable FP auction (from his point of view) it wont bother me but i hope he understand my pass means its possible we make 5
From Psych "I mean, Gus and I never see eye-to-eye on work stuff.
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."