foo, on May 25 2006, 09:43 AM, said:
Let's do a thought experiment. I give you a board where you are in 3N Red at IMPs and have 8 top tricks and a suit combination that has 3/8 of giving you your 9th trick. There's nothing else to the play.
If you make, you get $10. If you go -1, you lose $6 .
Now let's say you play 8 such boards in a row: You make 3 and go down in 5:
3*$10 - 5*$6= 0
You have broken even despite the fact that you went down far more often than you made.
A analogous thought experiment will show that White at IMPS you only have to make 5 of every 11 games bid to break even.
QED: If you make most games you bid at IMPs, then you are not bidding enough games.
Your percentages are essentially right, but that experiment makes NO SENSE. I'll reproduce it and show why.
Let's do a thought experiment. I give you a board where you are in 3N Red at IMPs and have 8 top tricks and a suit combination that has 1/100 of giving you your 9th trick. There's nothing else to the play.
If you make, you get $99. If you go -1, you lose $1.
Now let's say you play 100 such boards in a row: You make 1 and go down in 99:
1*$99 - 99*$1= 0
You have broken even despite the fact that you went down far more often than you made.
QED: If you make more than 1% of games you bid at IMPs, then you are not bidding enough games.
Pretty ridiculous, right?
Even though your percentages are not far off, your QED is completely 100% false.
EDIT 1: What I'm calling percentages were not actually percentages but you know what I mean, the 3/8 and 5/11.
EDIT 2: I wouldn't blame David for going insane reading some of the posts in this thread, especially your repeated incorrect assertion that you should go down in more games than you make.
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