Posted 2006-May-09, 07:14
There was an article about leaping Michaels in the Dutch magazine IMP a couple of years ago. Over 3M they play
4oM=strong ♣+♦
4NT=weaker ♣+♦
Over 3m it becomes
4♣=om+(♥or♠) - 4♦ asks
They play this over all kind of preemptive 3-bids when opps have shown one suit an we have shown no suit. E.g. Bergen Raises, preemptive overcalls of a strong or Polish 1♣, weak jump shifts at the three-level.
When they preempt at the two-level, a cue-bid at the 3-level is availiable. That can be used for a strong overcall in a minor.
There is some disagreement about whether it should also be used against Multi. If you choose to do so, it is
4m = that minor plus a major.Over 4♣, 4♦ asks, otherwise 4♥ is p/c.
4NT rsp cue: general slam try (or keycard ask if u prefer) for the lower rsp. upper of overcaller's suits (over 4♣ showing an unknown major, you can ask first before making a slam try for the major).
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket