Responses over Partner's 4M Opening
Posted 2003-November-03, 22:48
You hold the following VERY nice hand
When your slightly unbalanced partner opens 4S in first seat.
What is the best way to intelligently investigate slam?
Answers tomorrow!
Posted 2003-November-03, 22:57
Posted 2003-November-04, 01:31
My simple minded approach would be to say 4nt Blackwood asking for Aces ... if the answer comes back 5c then can bail out in 5s...if it comes back 5d then chance 6s as you have likely only 4 spade cards outstanding and if they are 2:2 they will fall in 2nd round?
Partners likely distribution 8,3,2,0 - 8,2,2,1 so communication between both hands likely by ruffing ?
Look forward to seeing the correct answer!
John :-
Posted 2003-November-04, 01:41
We have three key cards so...
5C 0 keycards - rebid 5S no chance of more...
5D 1 Keycard - Ptr should have queen for opening but has he the DK? bid 5NT ask for kings if yes then 6NT if no drat 6S and plan to void ptr's D's before starting on Spades...
5H 2 without Q - bid 5NT ask for DK if yes then 6NT if no drat 6S and and plan to void ptr's D's before starting on Spades... as I should get 6S/3C/2H/2D discarding a winner somewhere along way to SQ unless she drops
5S 2 with Queen - Where's that 7NT card at counting 7/8S, 3H,1D,2C only prob is 4-0 split with Ptrs LHO but how likely is that...
I tend to be a bit of a gambler but is there a better way or system?
Posted 2003-November-04, 02:37
On 5C -> 5S
On 5D -> 6S
On 5H -> 6S
On 5S -> 7S (no 7NT on IMPs cause p could theoretically have [AKQXxx x xxx xxx], maybe )
Posted 2003-November-04, 05:30
Posted 2003-November-04, 06:41
Posted 2003-November-04, 07:27
Posted 2003-November-04, 08:30
A 3NT opening shows a bad 4 level preempt in either minor
4C would show a good 4 level preempt in Hearts
4D would show a good 4 level preempt in Spades
The main inference available is that opener does NOT have a "good" 4 level preempt.
Posted 2003-November-04, 14:45
You have 6 tricks in your hand, and with this vulnerability and playing imps, i suspect partner has at least a 7-card S. A 3-2 break most probable.
I guess 4NT RKC S...
Posted 2003-November-04, 15:35
Pass would shows 2 or more trump losers
Six Spades would show one trump loser
A cue bid would show second round control of the side with no trump losers.
In this case, I had preempted on
and we reached a nice 6S contract. Admittedly, most of the rest of the field reached the same contract, however, some of the other auctions seemed somewhat unconvincing. Then again, we came in dead last, so what do I know. :-)
Posted 2003-November-04, 18:09