Preference 1 spade or 2/1
Posted 2003-October-23, 09:43
AKQ9 x Q8xxxx Kx
What do you bid; 1 spade or a game forcing 2/1 bid of 2 diamonds? I know I would like to know your reasoning behind your preference also. Thank you in advanced,
Surrendering to existential truth is the beginning of enlightenment.
Posted 2003-October-23, 10:11
Bidding a 4 card suit before a 6 card suit is beyond my imagination.
1s is a good bid when you want to practice the 4-2 mini-moysian.
Posted 2003-October-23, 10:21
Bidding a 4 card suit before a 6 card suit is beyond my imagination.
1s is a good bid when you want to practice the 4-2 mini-moysian.
Surrendering to existential truth is the beginning of enlightenment.
Posted 2003-October-23, 10:27
Majors Always First in Responding.
I prefer to show a 4 card major to a longer minor.
The negative inferences that my 2D response denies a 4 card major are extremely useful.
The answers that you get are going to strongly depend on where folks learned bridge. MAFIA is relatively common in Europe (especially Poland). It is much less common in North America.
Posted 2003-October-23, 10:56
AKQ9 x Q8xxxx Kx
What do you bid; 1 spade or a game forcing 2/1 bid of 2 diamonds? I know I would like to know your reasoning behind your preference also. Thank you in advanced,
If I had simply agreed to play 2/1GF without much further discussion, then I would bid 2D.
I would hope to have an auction like 1H 2D 2H 2S etc where I have shown GF strength 5+ diamonds, 4+spades. i.e. what I have got.
To answer your follow up question, I would do the same with only 5 diamonds.
MAFIA responses, as suggested by hrothgar, also work, but IMO they need farily complex follow-ups to avoid mishaps, so I wouldn't use them except in an established partnership following much discussion.
Posted 2003-October-23, 16:33
Posted 2003-October-23, 19:19
There are two different styles, both of which are totally playable and both of which have advantages and disadvantages.
Style one:
Polish Club Matula version. This is an automatic 100% 1S bid. No argument. To fail to bid a Major is to deny one.
This is also part of some Walsh styles. Walsh responses can actually be played a number of ways, as described above, or bid a longer minor before a 4 card M with a very strong hand only. (Some do play the latter method, but to me it seems to defeat the purpose of the style).
Note that to bid a minor, denying a Major is also part of many modern Italian systems. Bocchi-Duboin play this for example, coupled with transfer responses. It is also played by some practitioners of Washington Standard.
The advantages of this are that there are a huge number of inferences available when a minor is bid. The style is a little more difficult to handle, but by no means impossible, and you can easily find out whether the M is 4 cards in length and the minor is longer. Furthermore you do NOT need to play a relay system to do so.
Luis wrote, "Bidding a 4 card suit before a 6 card suit is beyond my imagination."
Of course Luis and other posters HAVE bid 4 card suits before 6 card suits with limited hands. eg What else would you bid over 1H holding AQxx x xxxxxx Qx ? To make the same bid with GF values is just to divest oneself of a particular mindset.
Contrary to Luis' comments, there is no reason whatsoever why you should end up in a 4-2 fit. Generally responder goes via a 2NT pivot. I guess, Luis, that you have not read Matula's book or played Polish Club? Its worth a look for curiosity value, even if you don't like the style; after all lots of the top Polish players eg Balicki etc play this way. Others such as Pszkola - Kwieken, who play Strefa, prefer style 2 below.
Style two:
The second style is that espoused by all the posters apart from Hrothgar, and mentioned by EricK. I guess this comes as no surprise, as I know Richard has played Polish Club, and I guess that EricK is European and therefore has a wider exposure to different bidding styles.
This style is also playable, of course, and is certainly easier in a non established partnership. Whether it is better is arguable.
You lose the inferences I described above. There is another argument as well. With limited hands if a 4-4 M suit fit exists, get to game asap without disclosing too much distributional information. This way you are more likely to get a favourable lead.
So - you pays your money, you makes your choice. As one who has played both styles, VERY recently, - Polish Club and Strefa - I would argue that there is little difference.
Now the posted question was "playing 2/1". I guess, (certainly in a casual partnership), that you play style 2. Nothing to say you can't play Walsh or Mafia if you want to though.
What do I prefer? Well, Mafia actually. It's certainly more fun and really does fit in FAR better if you are using that most elegant of responding styles - Transfer Walsh. So if you were to ask me, I would say "1S, what else". (1H if playing transfers.)
With all due respects, however, this discussion is far more suited to the Advanced thread rather than this one. I would never teach beginner/intermediate players a Mafia style.
Posted 2003-October-24, 04:19
i'm an advocate of the walsh style of bidding, i believe it pays off in the long run, but i believe even hardy would bid 2D here.. i certainly <can> imagine bidding a 4 card major before a 6 card minor.. i've done it often enough
with this hand, even if the diamonds were only 5 cards, i'd still bid them first.. what's the problem?
Posted 2003-October-24, 06:32
I was sure there use to be more debate about this. Thank you Ron and Hrothgar for providing us with some counterpoint.
Surrendering to existential truth is the beginning of enlightenment.
Posted 2003-October-24, 16:08
There is no problem; its just a difference in style. Be aware that with a genuine Walsh player ot a Polish Club player though, you would have to bid 1S first. They will never believe you have 4S if you don't.
Posted 2003-October-24, 16:50
Posted 2003-October-24, 17:28
Reginald Fletcher
Posted 2003-October-25, 04:08
Posted 2003-October-25, 12:45
Yes if your hand is worth only one bid , make it 1S, but with this hand and the limited experience or knowledge of beg/ inters for whom these mailings are meant 2D is obvious.
I do appreciatte the time that experts and advanced players take to talk about these questions they do make me think.
Posted 2003-November-02, 00:58
I replied to this BEFORE reading any other replies from the experts here@ BBO
quote author=billyjef link=board=5;threadid=1266;start=0#msg7927 date=1066923819]
This is an old debate but may be new to many reading this forum and rather than rehashing it in the sayc 2/1 forum I am going to ask for y'alls comments here. Playing 2/1 and your pd opens 1 heart; holding
AKQ9 x Q8xxxx Kx
What do you bid; 1 spade or a game forcing 2/1 bid of 2 diamonds? I know I would like to know your reasoning behind your preference also. Thank you in advanced,
Posted 2003-November-02, 01:12