We (Surrey) had hopes this year when we were in the lead 4/7 of the way through having beaten London but it all went wrong on Sunday.
Here's a good play problem from our match against London. At our table you are playing Gold/Townsend. It's mildly relevant that they open fairly sound, and also play quite traditional weak twos (via a multi).
1NT = 15-17
2C = 5-card stayman
2D = no 5 card major
2S = nat, INV or stronger
3D = max with 4 spades
3NT = choice of games
LHO leads the Ace of hearts quite quickly, RHO plays the Jack, in principle standard attitude with the Jack promising the 10.
LHO continues with a low heart, RHO plays the 10.
Play the play.
(if/when you play either a spade to the King or a spade to the Queen it will hold the trick)
P 1NT P 2C
P 2D P 2S
P 3D P 3NT
P 4S all pass