Posted 2006-February-15, 04:05
As we've bid it quickly, seems only fair to play it quickly!
Speedball line is:
Win ace of diamonds.
A, K of clubs and a third club.
- If LHO discards, ruff low, heart to the ace, fourth club and hope spades play for 1 loser
- if LHO ruffs in, dummy's second pip is relevant, but assuming dummy has the 32 of spades, over-ruff with the Jack and play a spade to the Queen followed by another club. Alternative is a spade to the ace: this wins any time spades are 3-2 and LHO has the K. Spade to the Q wins anytime spades are 3-2 and RHO has the K. But spade to the Q also picks up some 4-1 spade breaks with K10xx on our right.
- if LHO follows low, ruff low. If RHO over-ruffs (else we just need spades to play for 1 loser) I think we're screwed. But ruffing high won't help us if LHO has 4 clubs either.