Ben got it right:
All pass
♥ was arguably a risky bid, even love all at MP's. What it certainly got right was meddling with our offensive bidding -- it is fair enough to interpret pd's voluntary bid to the 4 level as "I would have jump rebid if not interrupted", but somehow I feel it should be made on weaker hands, too (or only weaker hands, unwilling to penalize). I don't necessarily agree making it on such a weak suit, though, as our hands seem to be misfit. I think 4
♦ is (or should be) more of a weakness showing bid than not, but should show a nicer suit.
The biggest problem is that my p misplayed it- RHO lead the
♥Q, giving him the chance to make 6 (trump finesse,
♥ ruffing finesse), but he chose neither the ruffing finesse and neither the obvious
♣ ruff. He chose to go down (two rounds of trumps, Ace of clubs killed, no way of making). Of course, my earlier misplays might have had an effect on him.
... and I can prove it with my usual, flawless logic.
George Carlin