Posted 2006-February-07, 15:02
Well, partner's denied holding 13+ hcp and 4+ controls. But partner does have 15(+) hcp. So this means at most 3 controls. With 33 combined, the only way to be missing 3 controls is if you're off exactly an ace and a king and have all other cards. So partner's hand is one of these four:
Opposite this hand, you have four spades, three diamonds, two clubs, one heart. This is only ten tricks. Even if the heart king is onside you have only eleven. You will have to fall back on either clubs breaking 3-3, or the heart king doubleton, or some squeeze chances that may be broken up by a duck of the club ace. This is substantially worse than 50-50.
Opposite this hand, you have one spade, four hearts, three diamonds, two clubs. Again this is only ten tricks. If the spade finesse is on, this brings you up to eleven (twelve if partner has the spade ten). Barring the spade spots, you can still make six if the clubs are 3-3, or if a black suit squeeze operates. This is still substantially less than 50%.
Opposite this hand, you have four spades, one heart, two diamonds, four clubs. You will make six if the heart finesse is on, which is exactly 50%.
Opposite this hand, you have one spade, four hearts, two diamonds, four clubs. Again it comes down to the spade finesse.
Now that we've considered the possibilities of partner's hand, I think you really don't want to be in slam opposite the first two hands. My recommendation is somewhat situational:
(1) If you're ahead substantially in a win/loss match, then bid the slam in any case. It will be bid at the other table playing standard methods. Best to push the board.
(2) If you feel that you're ahead or rate to win, but it is not clear-cut, or if your margin of victory is important, try to find out whether partner has the ♣A. With the ♣A, the slam is 50-50 and you should bid it because it will probably be bid at the other table and you don't want to risk even money on a big win or big loss with this hand. Without the ♣A you can play 5NT with essentially total safety. If you can't find out about the ♣A and still stop below slam, then I recommend not bidding the slam because it's less than 50-50 overall.
(3) If you feel you're losing the match or rate to lose, then do not bid the slam. It is at best even money to make, and in this situation you're happy to take even odds at a big win or big loss. This is a potential positive swing because of system and in a match where you need all the help you can get, take advantage of it.
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
1♣(1) - 1NT(2)
2♣® - 2♦(2)
2♥® - 2♠(2)
2NT® - 3♣(3)
3♥(4) - 3♠(5)
3NT (6) - 4NT (7)