Distributional Hand your bid?
#1 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2006-January-30, 18:25
red at imps. Pard opens 1D could be short, 11-15 etc (and denys 5-5 + in the minors with good suits plus a max). You bid 1H, partner bids 2C which is 4-5 in the minors either way (or better).
2S would be GF
3C has a higher lower limit than in standard since partner is limited.
2H is natural, not forward going.
3H is invitational.
4C is some kind of distributional invite with no interest in NT but would typically deliver more clubs than this.
Posted 2006-January-30, 18:36
Posted 2006-January-30, 18:38
Posted 2006-January-30, 18:59
Posted 2006-January-30, 19:04
Playing MOSCITO, we often use 2NT as a good raise to 3♣
With this said and done, I like 3C. Good to show a fit. You might even have a prayer of shutting out Spades.
Posted 2006-January-30, 23:34
Need at least a filler in ♥ to play 4♥, if that is the case, partner will
support ♥ after 3♣. Had he got a 13(45) shape, he should have raised ♥
earlier, therefore Hx and some extra is sufficient for a 3♥ rebid.
Posted 2006-January-31, 00:23
- hrothgar
Posted 2006-January-31, 09:01
Posted 2006-January-31, 09:10
So, if I have a tool to checkback if pard has moderate support in hearts, I'll go further, but if not, I'll pass 2C and take the safe plus, and won't raise to 3C.
I am not sure if I understood well the options, but it seems to me that a signoff in 2H would be pointless (if I want a partscore, I'll play in clubs), and that 3H might be a disaster if pard is in misfit.
And, I am not that smart to plan a "tactical bid" to verify in some cool way if pard has some fit in hearts.
So I'll pass.
I wish I could have rebid 2H invitational, though
#11 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2006-January-31, 09:12
Posted 2006-January-31, 10:06
Posted 2006-January-31, 10:09
Al_U_Card, on Jan 31 2006, 04:06 PM, said:
I think that if responder jumps to 3H to invite, the real risk is not being doubled (as you say, 4C could be a decent spot but then again I'd much prefer to play 2C LOL), but that you are left tom play 3H undoubled -1 while we have 9/10 tricks available in clubs.
So basically the risk is a double partscore swing at IMPS.
The ideal would be to be able to invite in hearts without bypassing 3C.
Posted 2006-January-31, 10:40
Posted 2006-January-31, 10:56
Jlall, on Jan 30 2006, 07:25 PM, said:
red at imps. Pard opens 1D could be short, 11-15 etc (and denys 5-5 + in the minors with good suits plus a max). You bid 1H, partner bids 2C which is 4-5 in the minors either way (or better).
2S would be GF
3C has a higher lower limit than in standard since partner is limited.
2H is natural, not forward going.
3H is invitational.
4C is some kind of distributional invite with no interest in NT but would typically deliver more clubs than this.
I don't understand the pessimistic view people are taking on this hand. This is a monster in support of clubs, and might have a nice landing place in hearts to boot.
2H and 3H are both out, as they are not forcing, and we could very well belong in 5 or even 6C. 3C might have a higher limit than normal, but this is too good for that. 4C sounds like a possible bid, but loses interest in playing in hearts.
When you eliminate the other choices, whatever is left, must be right. 2S is my bid. If partner trotts out a heart bid now, we play 4♥. If he bids 2NT, I will bid 3♣ (not sure if justin's GAME FORCE is really game force of it is only quasi game force ...that is to 4 of a minor).
Might I go down in some hopeless game? Sure, but we are RED at imps, there has to be at least a reasonable chance for something here. I am driving this bus to game unless the auction is 1D-1H-2C-2S-2N-3C-4C where 4C is a cry of weakness in a quasi-game force agreement situation.
Posted 2006-January-31, 11:42
Posted 2006-January-31, 12:22
I think the hand has good game potential and even tho you tend to invite thin when red at imps, I think that it is a bit lite for a GF with 2S....
Posted 2006-January-31, 12:48
inquiry, on Jan 31 2006, 05:56 PM, said:
2H and 3H are both out, as they are not forcing, and we could very well belong in 5 or even 6C.
I assume if partner denies a 5-5, he also denies a 6-5/5-6? But not a 6-4/4-6?
I think you are being a bit optimistic here.
Partner's normal hand is a 2245/2254/3145/3154 11-15 HCP. He could be 5-5, but if he is he is minimum. We have a slight problem with the Precision auction, because it will make at least a trick's difference (possibly 2) whether it is a 9-card or 8-card club fit.
Yes, I can just about construct a hand where 6C is good, but it probably needs either a 64 - is that possible? - or the SA onside. And it needs 3 aces and the Q of clubs. That's a very precise 14 points at the top of his range.
Whereas some down the middle boring minimum opening such as
is struggling to make 3C on the expected trump lead, never mind anything more.
I raise to 3C. Seems fairly down the middle. If partner has a good hand with a doubleton heart he can try 3H en route to a club contract.
I think I am more likely to miss 4H than 5C by raising clubs, but no number of hearts seems right and could be very wrong opposite a singleton.
Posted 2006-January-31, 13:01
FrancesHinden, on Jan 31 2006, 01:48 PM, said:
is struggling to make 3C on the expected trump lead, never mind anything more.
It is true I will be struggling but on this one, I would in real life be in only 4C, rather than 5C (this is the death hand I mentioned in my post). After 2S, partner will rebid 2NT, me 3C (forcing), him 4C, me with deep sigh, pass. Of course, if I go down, I will ask the hand be thrown out as the hand is fouled by there being two jacks of clubs.
On the other hand, give hiim, a minimum like...
Which is even less hcp (by the duplicated jack) and 4H or 5C both seem fine. Being vul, I will risk 4♣ instead of 3 to try for 4♥ or 5♣. But as you say, I am optimistic... when red at imps.
#20 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2006-January-31, 13:07