Ben, don't you risk losing a grand slam with a 5s bid?
If I have
KQJxxx of spades over 5s I'd bid 6s (Good!)
If I have
AKQxx of spades over 5s I'd bid 6s (Not good!)
If I have
AKxxxx of spades over 5s I'd bid 6s (Not good!)
If I have
Axxxxx of spades I might pass 5s (Not good!)
Asking for "good" trumps to play 6 is doubtful -in my opinion- when you can win 7 with AK sixth or AKQ and you can win 6 even when pd has bad trumps as Axxxxx.
Well, I am not exactly sure I want to defend a jump directly to 5S on a hand where my actual preference is 4D. We can draw up hands where 5S is too high regardless if we bid 5D or 5S. Likewise, we can draw up a lot of hands where after you hear the response to 5D, you have no idea if you can make 5S, 6S, 7S. This includes hands you drew up. But since you called me out with four specific hands, let's take a look at them, but first, a reminder what the leap to 5S over 1S means. It means:
- I do have four trumps (after all you may have only 4
- I am worried about losing two tricks in trumps for slam
- Since we are bidding slam if you have something like KQJx or AKJT, I must have quite a good hand
With that in mind, let's look at your hands.
KQJxxx of spades over 5s I'd bid 6s (Good!) This is an easy 6S bid. I see no problem here, we will not be losing two trumps.
AKxxxx of spades over 5s I'd bid 6s (Not good!) Ok, think about this one for a minute. Partner has 4 trumps, I have six to the AK, that is 10. Partner was worried about losing 2 trumps for slam. If partner thinks he can make 5S missing AK of spades, and I have a sixth spade, seven is likely in the offing. Here I would not bid 6S, instead, I would make a try for grand slam, as this hand is the moral equivalent to AKQxx... The nature of the slam try will depend upon your agreement (bid 6 with a normal "good hand", try for grand slam with AK and either extra legnth or AKQ).
AKQxx of spades over 5s I'd bid 6s (Not good!) This hand is just like the last, no one would simply bid 6S with hand on the given auction. Partner invited 6 missing AKQ of trumps for goodness sake. On this one, bidding 7S is almost automatic. But if you don't just jump to seven, you would surely make a grandslam try.
Axxxxx of spades I might pass 5s (Not good!). See the points above. Partenr was concerned about losing two trump tricks. Partner has four spades. I have six to the Ace. Bidding the small slam here is clearly right. The question might be do you bid the small slam if your spades were Kxxxxx ? I think not, but with the ACE-sixth, yes.
Now, having hammered what to do after hearing a jump to 5S, let's change it around and bid 5D as you suggested. Further, let's assume the responses are 5H = 0 or 3, 5S = 1 or 4, 5NT = two without, and 6C = two with. You can do ok after a 5D or 5NT response (below), but you are in the dark after a 5S response. For example...
5D-5H... ok, here you bail in 5S, easy enough,hope it makes
5D-5N ... ok, you caught your partner with S-AK, but is it
AKxx, or AKxxx, or AKxxxx... I guess you can ask
for the spade Q, and if your partner has 6 he can
show the queen rather he has it or not.
5D-5S... you partner's spades could be Kxxx or Axxx or
AQxx, or AQxxx, or AQJT9xxx, or Axxxxxx, you
are stuck trying to guess what to do.
Somehow, I think the direct 5S bid has it all over the exclusion blackwood auction here.